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So. It's me again.
Second entry. Think this is the longest I've stuck to something like this without giving it up and calling it 'pointless' or just 'fucking stupid'.
I mean, it is, but I haven't thrown it in the bin so...yay! Progress! (Note my sarcasm, small leather book that I have yet to give a name - you're not a fucking diary)
Anyway, my day summed up;
School = long, tedious, boring, plain, lonely.
Home = empty, fragile, boring, plain, lonely.
Myself = tired, empty, fragile, plain, lonely...
There's clearly a pattern here, do you see?
If only there was something to fill the boring, plain, empty, lonely parts of my life up.
If only.


Have you gathered this is going to be quite sad yet? Poor cal

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