Chapter 23 - Little Things

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Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. - Robert Brault

Chapter 23 - Little Things

Edward's POV:

The morning light begins to filter through the curtains and it's just bright enough for me to see Addyson's face through the shadows. I never want to be the type of man to take a moment like this for granted. As my eyes begin to focus on her, I watch her lips twitch like she's talking in her dream. She looks happy, as one side of her mouth curls up.

I want to touch her soft skin, and have her eyes focus on me like they do often, now, but I don't. In just a little while I have to wake her, but right now I'll watch her rest.

Last night was amazing. Not just that she accepted my tattoo or what we shared physically, but also it's that I think I actually got through to her how much I love her. We've come a long way in a short amount of time. Thinking back to our return from South Carolina, having her run away from me to keep from getting hurt again, and me spilling my guts to here on how I felt. The way I feel watching her sleep is so far away from that feeling; it's like a lifetime ago.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asks with her sleepy little voice.

"I'm just admiring the view."

"Admire it a little closer then," she says and she crooks her finger beckoning me to close the small gap between us.

"How's this?" I whisper with my nose almost touching hers.


"How's this?" I ask with my lips almost on her cheek.

"Closer." She giggles as I nibble on her neck. The laughter stops the moment my lips dip to her breast, and a soft moan takes its place. I playfully admire her, before having to pull away with a groan.

"As much as I want to continue that, I promised your grandpa something, and I really don't want to be on his bad side."

"What in the world did you promise him?"

"That I would bring you church, before we head back home." I look over at the clock on the nightstand, "We have an hour before we have to on the road, and I don't want to be late."

Pulling back the blankets I take a long look at her. "You're beautiful." I whisper before touching my lips to her forehead. "We could save a lot of time if you shower with me." I waggle my eyes, and swat.

"No thanks, I'm not in the mood for the cold shower you so obviously need."



We cleaned up, packed, said goodbye to everyone. Wished Elliot a safe trip back to St. Louis to school, and we were still able to make to church with Hannah and Jim Daniels before the music started.

The church is only fifteen miles from the river and only a few miles from her grandparent's house on the lake, and takes us almost thirty minutes to get there. The autumn colors kept us busy on our journey through the back roads. Addyson kept flipping through channels on the radio. "I'm really tired of country music. One weekend a month is plenty." I just smile at her watching her get frustrated with the choices. "Remind me next time to bring my iPod."

"Yes, ma'am."

She was finally able to find a station that wasn't country, and I chuckle as I hear her deep sign of relief. She begins to sing a long with the song, and I enjoy her melodic sound of sweet voice.

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