"Nikki." he said seriously

"Yes, i loved tonight i thought what you did was something i would only see in a movie, and any guy that can sing horribly and still be able to play a great game deserves a homecoming date. i said

"Oh man nicole i really do love you." he said holding me closer

After the bonfire had gone out we started to say good night to everyone and we went up to blakes room we were laying in his bed watching t.v. untill i heard him start snooring i looked up to see him sleeping like a baby. i kissed him good night and left a note that said call me when he wakes up.

i realized i left my car at home so i would have to walk, but i didn't mind tonight was perfeect fall weather  while walking i looked  at my phone it was 2:45 in the morning opps lol well it's quiet out no freaks are out so i should be good.

ten minutes into walking i saw that i had 11 more blocks to go until i was home, i saw a pair of head light come into view.

"Hey do you need a ride?" i recognized that voice

"Wait nikki? is that you?" he asked

"Hey john!" i screetched as he got out of his car, he came up to me and  i gave him a big hug after all he did save my life. taking in his features he was really fucking cute dark black hair and green eyes with a hint of gold flakes, and man was he built.

"Hey sweetheart! how are you?" he asked

"I'm great, what about you?"  i said

"Same, what are you doing out at 3 in the morning?"

"Walking home." i laughed

"Well get in and i will drive you home." i got in and told him where i lived

"so why were you walking home at this time, a beautiful girl like you shouldn't be here alone."

"I was  walking from my boyfirends house." i shrugged

"Your boyfriend eh? why didn't he drive you?" he asked a little angred

"He fell asleep, it's not that big of a deal it was a nice night out." i said which caused it to be a bit awkward but thankfully we arrived at my house

"Thank You for the ride john i hope i see you soon1" i said but he grabbed my arm

"What's your number i will call you and we can meet up to have some coffee or something." he said awkwardly

i just laughed coffee with this big guuy nahh

"What? what's so funny?" he asked

" A guy like you doesn't drink coffee." i said  as he laughed realizing i was right

"Okay not coffee but something?" he asked

"Yeah, for sure." i gave him my number and walked up to my house.

Once i was in my room i changed and washed my face i went back to my bed and notice sunny was waiting for me at the end of my bed.

"Hey boy, how are you?" i said rubbing his face

" i missed you" he just whined and rolled over, i turned on my t.v. and watched the rest of a ghost adventures episode  when i heard my phone go off

"Hello?" i asked sleepy

"Nikki where the hell are you!?"i  heard blake ask

"At home." i answered with my eyes closed

"Why didn't you wake me up, i woudl of drove you home i acn't believe you just left, nikki someyhing could of happend to you ughh i shouldn't have fallen asleep-"

"Blake i'm fine i got home okay, you were tired  you feel asleep i would have too if iplayed a big game today,"

"how did you get home?" he asked

"well i started walking but then a car came into view and i realized it was my friend john, so he gave me a ride home."

"Ohh, okay." he said

"I love you." i said

"I love you too , but you should have woken me up." he said still annoyed

"Go to sleep babe."

"Will i see you tomorrow?" he asked


 i pulled the phone away from my ear it  was a text message from john

"What about tomorrow, can we hang out?"

"Hello nikki?" blake asked

"huh, yeah just call me tomorrow.' i said

"Good night babe."

"Good night blake."

"What do you suppose we do tomorrow?" -nikki

"We could go get food, or go see a movie?"  - John

"Oh so no coffee? :p " - nikki

"haahahahh funny, yes no coffee i promise (:" - John

"Well call em tomorrow and  we can figure something out." -Nikki

"Okay, Good night beautiful." -John

"Good night John." -Nikki

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