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No moment was wasted.

As soon as I saw Kian Lawley standing shirtless in the doorway of my hotel room, my mind shut off.

When I came to, I was sitting in the corner of the room, breathing heavily. I stretched out my hand, my now torn up knuckles popping and I winced in pain.

Suddenly all feeling came rushing back to me, and my face and body felt like it had just been tossed through a meat grinder. But, Kian wasn't any better.

I looked up and saw the love of my life tending to some boy that I had barely known.

Jack stared at me, eyes wide. The last time I had acted out in blind rage, he wasn't there to witness it. I'm assuming that he tried to break up whatever happened, because his lip was busted and his jaw bruised.

I looked back at Tanner, and she just stared at me blankly.

I tried to open my mouth, say I was sorry, but I couldn't apologize for this.

"How could you?" I spat, the tone of my voice accusing.

She didn't say anything.

I pushed myself up from my position, the pain jolting through every bone in my body.

I made my way over to Tanner, and stood over her as she sat beside an unconscious Kian.

"You hurt him pretty bad." She said. That's all she had to say.

"And you fucking hurt me! I can't believe you would do this to me." I yelled, trying to make myself sound big and angry, but my voice cracking didn't help.

She looked up at me, big blue eyes filling to the brim with tears. So apologetic, but it was too late, it already happened.

First with Jack, now this. I could have never hurt her this way.

I fell to my knees in front of her, our eyes becoming level.

"I need you more than I can take." I declared.

This sent her bawling, and she cried into my chest.

"I'm so sorry Christian, you know I would have never done something like this to you, I love you so much." she admitted.

I lifted up her head and looked dead into her eyes.

"I love you too." I said. I wiped away a warm tear from her cheek as she sniffled, trying to hold back the rest of her tears.

She looked at me hopefully as I reached into my pocket and pulled out the black box.

"But you really fucked up this time."


What can you do, am i right

Masterpiece | Christian AkridgeWhere stories live. Discover now