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"So, what's going on with you and Christian?" Carson asked as we took a seat at the food court in the mall. We ended up having to get Chinese, since neither of us had the energy to wait in the long line to get pizza.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that? What's going on between us is my own business." I groaned. She laughed, raising one perfectly shaped eyebrow.

"Well word has it that you two sleep together." she said. I nearly choked on a piece of spicy chicken, and my eyes widened.

"Who said that?!" I asked, very shocked.

"Chill out, I'm just messing with you. You're all too serious nowadays." she laughed.

"Anyway," she continued, leaning forward in her seat. "Since Michael is moving away and none of us did anything for Christian's birthday last month, I say we go camping." she whispered, as if anybody around us were to care about what we were saying.

"Camping?" I asked.



" Oh, we're gonna be swimming in the lake, so bring a bathing suit too." Carson said as she sat on my computer chair, spinning around. I was putting clothes into my Nike duffel bag, and she was informing everyone else about her spontaneous idea of events.

Carson took off of work and I had called my parents earlier while they were at work to ask if it was okay, and explained to them who was going and who was sharing a tent with who.

Carson and Michael are sharing one. Jack has his own, and I have my own. God forbid my parents let me sleep in the same tent as Christian.

I usually take naps with Christian and let him stay the night sometimes. But my mom comes to check on us in my room every once in a while to make sure we're not up to anything we're not supposed to be.

But since they can't check up on us at the campsite, they made it clear that I wasn't allowed to sleep anywhere near him.

I packed enough clothes to change into for about four days, to sleep in, and to swim in. Christian and Jack were at their houses getting packed, both of them very excited to actually be leaving their houses and doing something adventurous. Carson had already packed Michael's things for him, because he was at work as of the moment.

"Okay, change of clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, shampoo, pillow, blanket, now what else am I forgetting..." I mumbled, beginning to look through my drawers in hopes to find what I felt like I was missing.

"Your dignity, hon." Carson said sarcastically. I grabbed a pillow from my bed and tossed it at her, and she tossed it back roughly.

"Just finish getting ready."

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