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Carson ^^^


"This is so stressful!" I exclaimed, throwing my head onto my study desk a little too roughly.

I sat back up, rubbing my forehead and then looked at Christian, who was sitting on my bed flipping through some college brochures.

He held one up for the University of Florida, made a suggestive look and I shook my head.

"It doesn't interest me." I said. He shrugged, tossing it into the bin in the corner.

"I don't know where to apply. None of these schools in Texas look appealing." I mumbled, continuing to read the majors at a school called Baylor University.

"I need something big, bigger than myself. I can't do tiny schools, I need something greater. And-and you're not going to college and neither is Jack so I'll be leaving you both and, I just..." I rambled. Christian shushed me, shuffling around on the bed.

"Relax. Focus on your goals baby girl. We'll be here when you get back." he said, and smiled gently.

Just then, my husky Athena ran in, jumping on the bed and licking his face a few times, then laid down beside him. His hand automatically traveled to her fur and he pet her mindlessly.

I stared at him, and sighed.

"I'm only a junior. How do they expect us to know what we want to do with our lives, where we see ourselves?" I asked, and he shrugged.

"Don't know. But I know what I see." he started, and I waited for him to continue.

"You and me, in a big apartment in the city. One room will have a mural on the walls, where we can both add on a little bit every day. We'll have a dog, just like Athena, or Meeko. And we'll live happily ever after." he smiled, and I laughed.

"You're so sure of yourself." I said.

"Well, like I said. I know what I want, and what I want, I get."

Andy was sitting on the floor brushing Athena while talking to Christian as I sat by him on the couch, and Michael was in the corner chair scrolling through his phone.

"Sorry Tanner, but I have to leave you for Andy now." Christian joked. I faked a frown at the two of them, and Andy started smiling.

"I hope you won't be too torn up about it" he said. I shrugged.

"I may be , I may not be." then I faked a sniffle and looked away dramatically. Andy giggled, covering her mouth with her tiny hands in delight.

"Chris do you like me?" Andy asked sweetly, cocking her head to the side. Christian stiffened up at the hated nickname and I chuckled, poking at his arm.

"Yeah Chris, do you like Andy?" I asked jokingly, and he glared at me.

"Why of course I like you Andy." he said.

"More than Tin Can?" she asked, and my mouth dropped open.

"Tin can? Christian why are you teaching my sister these terrible nicknames!" I whined, now I'm never going to live that down.

"Well the thing is, Andy. I like you, but in a different way than I like Tin Can." he replied. She looked confused for a second, then nodded, and returned back to brushing Athena.

"You like me in a different way, huh?" I asked softly.

He grabbed my hand, running his fingers up and down my arm.

"I don't think you'll ever know just how much."

"You guys are gross." Michael commented. I looked up at him and Andy grabbed her nose, making a stink face.

"Yeah! You guys are groooss." she mocked, her voice sounding nasally. I rolled my eyes, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at Michael.

"Leave us alone, Mike. Go annoy Carson or something." I said. He sighed, bending backwards over the arm of the chair and his hair almost touched the floor.

"Carson doesn't want my love anymore!" he shouted dramatically.

"Michael keep it down your mother is sick!" My dad shouted from upstairs.

"Why do you figure?" Christian asked.

"She'd rather spend the day with her brother than me, it sucks." he whined, and his glasses fell onto the floor. He groaned loudly and shortly, making Athena jump up and run over, licking his face.

"Thanks Athena, I needed some love in my life."

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