Chapter 34: What are you talking about?

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*Harry's POV*

''How does Jessica look like?'' Niall asked and Priscila smiled, ''I'm sorry I didn't think about that! Well she had light brown hair, it's long.. a few blonde stripes in it though! And her hair is wavy, she's really cute'' she explained 

Niall looked at me and smiled ''She sounds like she looks like you Harry'' he said and I felt a tear run down my cheek. ''When can we meet her?" I asked and 'Prilly' smiled at me, showing off a really beautiful smile that almost made me shiver. ''Well it's still early, I guess we can.. now?'' she said and my jaw dropped ''already? I don't know if I'm ready.. or I dunno, I want to meet her, I mean find her, I wanna hug.. I want to.. I want to find Jenny'' I said and looked at the floor, a few more tears running down my red cheeks. ''Hey Harry, don't cry!'' Prilly said, I suddenly felt warmth against my cheek, I looked up and noticed her stroking my cheek with her tiny hands. ''It'll be okay'' she said and I couldn't help but smile. ''Thank you'' I muttered, the other boys were already laughing at me. ''It's not funny guys'' i mumbled as we went to the car. 

 I feel humiliated. I'm not supposed to cry infront of a girl..

''But there's something you need to know about Jessica'' Prilly suddenly said after being in the car for a couple of minutes. ''What?'' Liam asked and we all looked at her curiously, ''She's been outta school for a while, and I don't know why.. That's the reason I haven't seen her in a while. Her adoptive dad is kinda strict though'' she said and frowned a little. ''WHAT? IF IT'S JENNY.. I WILL NEVER EVER FORGIVE HIM IF HE HAS DONE ANYTHING TO HER! I'LL CHOP HIS FRIGGIN HEAD OFF!'' I exclaimed clenching my hands in anger, ''calm down Harry, even though he's strict it doesn't mean that she's been hurt by him'' Liam explained and the other guys nodded ''she's fine'' Louis said and smiled ''how can you know that?'' I spat, ''stop Harry'' Liam said and I crossed my arms ''whatevs''. 

''I don't think there's no need to worry Harry'' Prilly said and looked at me with her beautiful brown eyes and that sweet smile of her, it actually calmed me down a bit. ''Thank you'' I mumbled and looked down so no one could see that I was blushing. 

''Okaaay.. So anyone wanna go see her? I have my break soon now anyway'' Prilly asked, and right before I was about to answer Liam cut me off; ''I think it's better if only you and Harry go'' he suggested and Prilly looked at me and nodded. ''I think so too'' she said and smiled, I didn't knew how or why she made the butterflies in my stomach go crazy, but she just.. did. 

''Come on Harry, let's go see if it's your sister'' she said and grabbed my hand as we walked out of Starbucks. If I told you I weren't blushing that would've been a lie. I'M SUCH A GIRL. Man up, man up. "So how long habe you been looking for her?" Prilly asked and smiled, still holding my hand. ''Uh.. I.. oh..I don't really know.. It feels like forever'' I stuttered and mentally slapped myself for being so vulnerable. ''It's okay Harry, I know you're nervous'' she said just like she'd read my mind. ''Oh, I'm not nervous'' I lied and she giggled ''yeah right''. 


"That house up there is hers" Prilly said and pointed at a yellow house up a hill, I smiled thinking about Jenny. What if she really was there? And had been there all along? "Harry? Are you listening?" Prilly poked my sides "Oh sorry, I just.. spaced out for a second" I said and she giggled, "well I was asking if we should go up there?"


Still holding my hand Prilly pulled me with her towards Jenn.. Jessica's house. I got more nervous at every step and knew my hand probably was sweating too. Embarrassing. ''Do you want to join me at the door.. or?'' I shook my head and hid behind a bush as she laughed at me ''suit yourself''. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2014 ⏰

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