Chapter 9: I'm not going back there

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*Harry's POV*

Next morning.

''Make sure to be back before the interview okay?'' Liam said with his arms crossed, aw daddy direction. ''Of course! Anyway, it's two hours left, so we should probably go'' Louis said and grinned, I nodded and we grabbed our jackets and left the apartment. 

''Where are we going?'' I muttered as we jumped into Lou's car, ''to your mum'' he said calmly and started the engine. ''NO! I'M NOT GOING BACK THERE!'' I yelled at him almost ripping my hair out, ''harry.. you need to talk to her, it's two days since you left her crying... Don't you think she deserves to see her son again?'' Louis said as he focused on the road, ''WHAT ABOUT HER DAUGHTER? She don't deserve me when she sent away my sister'' I muttered and crossed my arms angrily.

I heard Louis sighed ''Harry I know you're upset about Jenny.. But don't you think you're overdoing it all? Your mother made a decision at that time, and you know.. she was young when she got you'' he said making me more angry ''But i don't care about how young she was, she can't just send away a baby girl like that!''. 

''Harry! LISTEN TO ME! At this moment I actually don't care about how angry you are, you should stop acting so fucking childish!  JUST   TALK    TO    YOUR    MUM!'' he yelled, obviously very angry and glared at me. When he turned back to focus on the road, a cat suddenly jumped in right infront of us and Louis who were driving in high speed lost control of the car. ''OH MY GOD'' I screamed. The car slipped off the road and down a hill, Louis was having trouble with the breaks ''STOP! STOP THE CAR!'' I cried as the car continued driving down the bumpy hill. '' I can't! The breaks won't work!!!'' Louis panicked. Before we even noticed what was right ahead of us we crashed into a big tree. 

And then.. everything went black. 

*Niall's POV*

''Shouldn't they be back by now?'' Liam said as he paced back and forth while rushing his hands through his hair. ''It's just half an hour left until the Interview'' I said worried, Liam stopped and looked at me and Zayn. ''We'll call Harry's mum and ask her'' 

Calling Harry's Mum:

H's Mum: Hello? Liam?

Liam: Hello Ms. Styles, could you tell Harry and Louis to come back? We're late for an interview.

H's Mum: Harry? Louis? They're not here.. In fact they haven't been here at all. Is Harry okay?? I've been worried sick.

Liam:  They haven't been there at all?!?! Oh my god..

H's Mum: What?! Is there something wrong?

Liam: Uhm, no I don't think so! There's nothing to worry about, they probably just stopped at Nandos or something...

H's Mum: I deifinitely hope so.. 

Liam: We'll call you back when we find them. Byee!

H's Mum: Okay, I hope my baby is okay, and lou of course... Bye! 

''Nandos?'' I asked and smiled but I quickly stopped as I saw Liam giving me a death glare.. ''We need to go out and look for them.. I have a strange feeling that there's something wrong..'' Liam said and grabbed his jacket ''SO COME ON THEN!!!'' he said. 


This part is a bit short, but the next one will be longer! I promise:) I hope you all like it! If you comment, vote or fan it will be very appreciated! Thank you everyone! xx

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