Chapter 10: We need help, NOW!

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*Liam's POV* 

I was shaking all over, I really had a bad feeling about this. ''Calm down, i bet they're okay! Nothing to worry about!'' Zayn said and hugged me carefully, Niall nodded ''We'll find them''. 

We made our way into my car and I started the engine, ''Where should we look first?'' I asked them, ''Nandos?'' Niall exclaimed from the backseat. ''Just because you're hungry?'' Zayn said and giggled, ''uhm.. NO'' he said in a very convincing way... not.

''We should just drive to Harry's mum first, maybe they're there now'' I said and started driving ''But If they were.. Wouldn't his mum told us already?'' Zayn asked.. ''I'm not sure.. We'll just drive and look around''.

*10 minutes later*

''Paul is gonna get so mad..'' Niall mattered while he was looking out of the window searching for Lou and Haz. ''I think we should call him and say he should probably cancel the interview..'' I said, ''Yeah I'll do that'' Zayn said and picked up his phone from his pocket. 

''Hey Paul, we can't find Harry and Lou.. We're still looking, but you should cancel the interview'' Zayn said with a calm voice, we could hear that Paul was angry and didn't understand what he was talking about. ''We can't find them! They don't answer their phones and they're not were they said they were going..... YEAH I KNOW I KNOW! It's important... Yeah... Can't we just do it some other time?'' he continued, Paul sounded annoyed and bitter. 

Finally they hang up on each other. ''So? What did he say?'' Niall said curiously, Zayn sighed ''As you probably heard.. he was pissed off.. But he understood and he was going to call off the interview and we'll do it later''. Great. Paul was angry, Harry and Lou was missing and we didn't know were to find them!! Could this get any worse? 

I was wrong. Obviously it could.

''LOOK! WHAT'S THAT?'' Niall shouted and jumped from the backseat and squeezed himself between me and Zayn. ''What's what?'' Zayn said and looked at Niall ''THERE!'' niall said and pointed on something in the ditch. We drove closer and noticed a striped t-shirt, braces. ''LOUIS! OH MY GOD!  STOP THE CAR'' Zayn screamed and clung on to his seat. 

I stopped the engine and we all jumped out of the car in completely shock. ''LOU! ARE YOU OKAY?'' we shouted in choir as we ran towards him laying in the ditch. He looked like he had been beaten up by someone. His hair was all messy, his eyes was full of tears and red as a tomato, his clothes were ripped and full of mud and dust, and he was bleeding from his head and his left foot.  

Louis looked at us, not able to speak at all, he started crying and looked really hurt. ''Ha.. Haa... Haar... HARRYY!'' he cried. ''Where's Harry?'' I asked him carefully, Louis looked at us and started hyper vantilating and tears ran down his cheeks. ''It's okay, calm down, where is he?'' Zayn said, Louis carefully turned around towards the woods and pointed down the bumpy hill. We noticed the car tracks.

''It's all my fault... IT'S ALL MY FAAULT!'' Louis cried, ''no, no! It's not your fault!'' I reassured him and lifted him up and carried him to the car, he wasn't able to stand on his left foot. He was bleeding heavily and I knew we needed to call the hospital as soon as possible. ''Zayn? Niall? Quickly! Go find Harry! I'll call 911'' I said, they nodded and ran into the woods following the tracks. 

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