Chapter 32: I beg you

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OMG OMG OMG, I updated? It's been two months since I updated last. But so many things have been going on and I'm really sorry. But I'm back for sure now, and I promise faster updates! I hope you'll like this chapter, please read:)

*April's POV* (OOOOOOOOO you didn't see that coming huh?! you did? okay fine.)

''You've seen one almost like this before?''

Harry literally screamed in my face so his alcoholic breath filled my nostrils, ugh. ''Yeah I think so, it's not exactly the same, but-''

''It's an J instead of a H right?! T-tttell me that's what you-you have ss-seen?!'' Harry asked and almost got on his knees begging for the right answer. ''Well I don't really remember-''

''Please ss-say that's what you've seen and where?!'' he asked, tears threatening to fall out of his eyes, I didn't want to hurt him at all.. He looked so vulnerable, so tiny and full of hidden sorrows. I didn't want to be the cause of those bursting out. My problem is that I actually can't remember if it really had an J, I just know it's one who looks like his.


''APRIL! Please? Just t-tell me that's what you've seen p-please? I need to find her, my baby s-sister.. she's out there so-somewhere and y-you can he-help me fiiind her! I beg you, please!'' he said and tears started rolling down his cheeks, I didn't know what to say and Niall stood there all frozen and speechless. I couldn't just tell him that's what I've seen, to make him happy? What if that's NOT what I've seen.. He'll probably kill me.

''Harry, you need to calm down. If she can't remember, she can't remember! We'll talk about this in the morning. You need to sleep now'' suddenly Liam jumped out of nowhere, probably overhearing our conversation. I smiled at him and he nodded, I mentally noted that I should thank him later for saving me...

I didn't want to be the one who crushed Harry Styles heart. I mean like.. If i really have seen his sister's necklace, or even his sister.. It would be wonderful! But you get it... Crushing someone like Harry Styles' heart, just means I'll be crushing a thousands of girls' hearts out there.. Because they care for him and don't want him to be.. well sad.. And they too would probably kill me if I did. 


*Zayn's POV*

A couple of beers had went on by, and my conversation with Marte had been going on since I'd first laid eyes on her. She was that kind of beauty that I would never leave behind, and believe me she is beautiful, even though I've been drinking, I know she is. 

''You wanna go outside? It's kinda warm in here'' she said and placed some of her hair behind her ear, looking down at the floor.. Acting a little nervous. ''Sure'' I said and smiled at her. 

We went out the front door, strolling down the streets. ''Are you cold?'' I asked her, she looked at me, her eyes glowing and her constant smile was there, giving me goosebumps. ''Uhm, I'm fine'' she said and chuckled a little, I stopped and took my jacket off, placing it carefully on her shoulders. ''Fine, then I don't want you to become cold either, girls shouldn't be freezing'' I said and she giggled. 

''You're cute'' she said, ''No, I'm just being polite, because I care'' I said and looked into her beautiful eyes. 

''You know, I really like your eyes'' I said, and suddenly her cheeks matched the color of her red hair. She was blushing, and looking at the ground whilst walking beside me. ''Thank you'' she whispered, ''Babe, it's late, do you want me to follow you home?'' I asked and she stopped and looked me right into the eyes ''I'd love that''. 

I let ut may hand to her ''may I?'' I asked, I didn't want to force her to anything. She chuckled ''you don't have to ask'' she said as I took my hand in hers. 

Her house wasn't far away, and when I was about to leave her on the doorstep she stopped me. ''Hey Zayn?''

''Yeah babe?''

''Will I see you again?'' she asked, her cheeks a color of crimson red. 

''Yes, if you want to! Here, give me your phone and I'll save my number for you'' I said and she handed me her phone, I quickly dialed the numbers in and hugged her. When we pulled apart, I couldn't help but let myself wander into her eyes, they were so incredible beautiful. I slowly started to lean in, I'd wanted to do it the entire evening. 

and I.. kissed her. 

*The next morning* - Harry's POV

I woke up with a severe headache, as I slowly climbed out of bed I felt the whole room spinning. Why did I drink? It's hard knowing if it's really the room spinning.. or if it's you.. 

''HARRY?'' someone yelled, the high sound hurt as it reached my ears, crushing the headache that I already had. ''Yeah?'' I asked as I rubbed my ears with my hands, why did they have to scream? ''It's breakfast'' he answered, it was Liam. He stood in the doorframe, looking at me like I'd done something naughty, but yet again, a slight look of sympathy was mixed with it. 

''You're not feeling good are you?'' he asked carefully, I shook my head, but quickly regret it as it made my headache even worse, if that was possible.. ''Come on, you'll need a glass of water, and Ii think a little food would do you good'' he said and waved me over. I nodded and sighed, ''yes dad'' i muttered silently, 

''I heard you'',

not silent enough, obviously. 

When we entered the kitchen the first thing that caught my eye was the girl sitting with Niall. I remember talking to her the night before, but my mind is blurry. There's something important, but I can't remember. ''Goodmorning Harry'' they all said, I just gave them all a fake smile before I sat down with them. 

''Harry.. about last night'' the girl started, I looked at her with a questioning look. I don't know anything about last night, I did talk to her, I know. But about what? I guess she's just about to tell me that.. ''Yeah?''

''I know I've seen a necklace like that, but I can't 100% tell you it was an J on it, and there's a slight chance it might not be hers...'' she started, she was talking about Jenny? 

''Sorry, I don't remember much of last night.. But are you talking about my sister?'' I asked and rubbed my head gently, fucking headache. 

''Oh, yes I am. But here's the thing.. I've thought about the necklace since yesterday, and I remember the girl who had the necklace when I saw it.. Unfortunately, I really don't know her, but my friend does. I can ask my friend about the girl and the necklace, but I want you to know that the chance that it's Jenny is very low.. There's a lot of girls wearing halfhearted necklaces..'' she explained, even though there's not much hope.. It's still a chance that it might be her. 

''Okay, thank you'' I said, If it wasn't for the badly hangover and the headache that was being a pain in the arse, I would be jumping around right now, singing ''OH HAPPY DAY''. 

''So do you want me to call her?'' she asked, a bit confused about my answer. I smiled and nodded, ''yes, please''. 


Aaw, Zayn's being cute!! ;') 

Do you think the girl might be Jenny? 

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