Chapter 21: They fit!

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*Harry's POV*


''WHAT? THEY'VE FOUND HER??'' I yelled and looked into Lou's eyes, his mouth was still wide open in shock. ''I guess so'' he whispered as he texted Paul back:

Oh my god. We're coming! - Lou

''ZAYN! LIAM! NIALL! THEY'VE FOUND HER!'' I screamed and smiled from ear to ear, they all looked shocked by what I said. They stood there frozen with their mouths wide open ''WELL WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?'' I screamed and smiled even more. ¨

''HARRY WAIT!'' Liam screamed, he pointed at me ''I think you should change your t-shirt.. It has teardrop marks all over. Don't you want to make a good imp-'' he said, but I interrupted him ''NO! THERE'S NO TIME FOR THAT! I GOTTA RUN!'' I screamed and left the hotelroom with the biggest smile plastered all over my face.

They've found her. They've found her. They've found her. THEY'VE FOUND HER!!!!

I stood infront of the elevator and pushed the button several times, Zayn, Naill and Liam came running as well ''HARRY WAIT UP'' Zayn yelled while waving with his hands.. Louis were showing off his skills with the crutches as he made his way to the elevator pretty fast for being handicapped. The elevator door opened and I jumped inside, the lads made it in time and joined me. ''She's just two floors away'' I whispered to myself and smiled.

Jenny is there.. she really is.. or at least they think so! WHAT IF SHE HAS THE NECKLACE! Oh my god. This is amazing. I'm so.. HAPPY! HOLY MOTHER OF GOD.

*Niall's POV*

As we all stumbled out of the elevator Harry started laughing ''This. is. amazing!!!!!''. It was so awesome seeing him happy and smiling like that, he was finally in a good mood! I stood up and offered him a hand and helped him up. The second he was on his feet he ran off to the room Paul told us to meet them.

''JENNY! JENNY!'' he screamed while running as fast has he could, me and the lads were right behind him. 

Harry stopped outside the door. The door was marked with it's number, 201. We heard Harry breathing fast, he was probably really nervous and anxious to see her. He slowly turned the doorknob and opened the door, we all ran inside and saw Paul sitting there with a girl.

When we entered the room they both turned around and our eyes met, she had long brown curly hair! Curly hair just like Harry, she also had green eyes and a sweet smile. Harry got tears in his eyes and stood there frozen in shock. ''Hey Harry, we believe this is.. Jenny'' Paul said and smiled. Harry ran towards her and jumped on her for a hug ''calm down hazza'' she said and giggled. Her laugh was so cute!

''I can't believe it's you!!!'' Harry screamed and hugged her again, ''do you have the necklace?'' he pulled away from her, looked at her and raised his eyebrow. She nodded and showed him her necklace, it was silver as well, engraved with an J and it was a half heart. Harry got even more tears in his eyes as he brought up his and noticed they fit together. ''THEY FIT!'' he screamed of joy and jumped up and down like crazy.

The girl was calm, weirdly calm. She has never seen her brother and suddenly she find him and he's Harry Freaking Styles and she doesn't even cry.. not just even a little?! Weird. I thought girls did that... Guess I was wrong.

I pinched Liam carefully on his shoulder and whispered to him ''Sure this is her?'', he looked at me like I'd just said something really stupid ''Of course it's her!'' he whispered angrily and rolled his eyes ''she has the necklace'' he added and pointed at them. I sighed and brought up a fake smile ''guess you're right''.

Harry was really excited and hugged her over and over again. "Can't believe it's you!!!!!" he screamed and smiled so his precious dimples showed. "Did you know you had a brother?" he asked her curiously, she smiled, but she had no dimples. Guess she's more like their dad, i'm pretty sure Harry's mum have dimples!

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