Chapter 33: Coincidence?

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*Harry's POV*

I want to rip my hair off so badly, jump around screaming. I want to hit the wall, I want to grab a chair and throw it out of the window. But most of all I want April to end her call, very soon.. very very soon. 

''OH COME ON, GET OFF THE PHONE ALREADY! I'M SO FUCKING TIRED OF THIS'' I screamed, quickly a hand grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. I was breathing heavily, my face was almost like the color of an tomato. ''Harry, you need to calm down!'' Liam said, ''It's an important call, she's not just asking if she can feed her cat or something''

''But I want answers... I want.. Jenny'' I said, tears suddenly started to roll down my cheeks. 

*Zayn's POV*

Liam was holding around Harry like he was a little boy, rocking him gently while he was crying. I'm so tired of everything, I want Harry to be happy, to smile again.. and I thought I never would say this, but I want him to be that cheeky lad again. I miss him okay? We need Jenny, we need answers, we need to rest our heads. 

April was still talking in the phone, she locked herself in in the bathroom, for some privacy. Harry would've interrupted the call with too many questions if she hadn't. 

But there's one thing that I can't get out of my head. It's not even a thing, it's... a girl. It's not just a girl either, it's THE girl. The girl that I met last night, the girl I had a dream about when I went to sleep, the girl I KISSED last night.. The girl I can't stop thinking about at all. I've never acted like this before, I mean.. I have loved a girl before, I remember Perrie. But we grew apart. But I didn't feel this way when I met Perrie, this is something completely different. I mean.. I...I.. I think Marte just.. stole my heart. 

A key turning in the door made everyone freeze and turn our gaze to the bathroom door. Harry stopped sobbing and shot up from Liam's arms. We all glared at the door being opened, and April came out, with the phone in her hand. 

''So.. guys-''

''WAS IT HER?'' Harry cut her off by jumping infront of her, his curiousity level at max. 

''Harry, please calm down and I'll explain'' she said and he sighed, but agreed. He sat down and listened carefully. 

''Okay, so I've talked to my friend, Priscila. She's the one who know the girl I thought maybe had the look-alike necklace! I described the necklace and she agreed that it sounded really like yours Harry. It's golden, it's a half heart AND it's a J!''

''SO THAT MEANS-'' Harry interrupted with joy spread across his face. 

''Please don't get overexcited, because.. The girl's name isn't Jenny, it's Jessica.. But Prissy (Priscila) said that if we wanted to we could meet up with her tomorrow, talk about it, she wanted to take a closer look on your necklace and then maybe visit Jessica. Prissy said something about Jessica being an adoptive-child, so there's still a small chance..'' 

''For a second there I thought we'd found Jenny.. But there's no chance Jessica might be her.. As you said, a lot of girls have necklaces like that. When my mum put Jenny up for adoption she wrote down her name, which means the adoptive parents adopted A JENNY, not a Jessica..'' Harry said, he was exhausted, out of hope and tired.

''You can't give up that easily!!'' I jumped out of my sitting position and glared at Harry, ''You're not going to tell me that we're giving up? After everything we've all been trough? The car accident, the screaming fans outside the hotel, the blonde liar girl.. We almost lost our friendship because of all of this.. We can't possibly give up now can we?!'' 

I guess I overreacted a little bit..? 

Harry clenched his fists, if looks could kill.. I would've been slaughtered by now. ''Are you saying that it's Jenny's fault that all that happened?! IT'S NOT HER FAULT OKAY? EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED WAS MY FAULT, MINE ALONE! I WAS STUPID ENOUGH TO THINK THAT IT WAS POSSIBLE TO FIND A GIRL THAT'S JUST VANISHED OUT OF MY LIFE'' he yelled, I raised my hands in defense, but Louis qucikly stepped in.

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