chapter ten

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Annabel's POV

I woke up the following day remembering something like a dream I had it was Lukas' voice saying "you're so beautiful you don't know how much I love you "
It felt so real and it kept replaying in my memory

After a good fifteen minutes I got up took a quick shower and got dressed .
I got dressed in a blue skinny jeans and a pastel pink blank blouse and put my hair in a low ponytail

I went down and as usual Scarlett and Lukas was still sleeping then I realized that I was starving so I ate some toast with cheese made myself some coffee and headed to my favorite arm Chair grabbed the fault in our stars and started reading the last few chapters

Lukas' POV

I went down stairs 100% sure I would find Bel sitting on the very same armchair and I was right she was sitting on it crying

I freaked out seeing her crying I've never seen her like this before
"Hey hey Bel what's wrong?"
"Oh I'm sorry Lukas you shouldn't have seen me crying "
"No tell me what's wrong"
"No no it's silly it's nothing"
"Bel just tell me" I said lifting her head up to face me
"It's the book Agustus he died and Hazel's world is crashing down and it's just so ..... I don't even know"
"It's not silly Bel what makes you cry is not silly cuz it's feelings , feelings are not silly even if it's a book"
"Thank you for understanding"
"Bel can I use this situation as an excuse to hug you"
She half sighed and half laughed
"Mmm I 'd like to" was the best reply ever

I hugged her and it was one of the best moments of my life I felt the warmth of a family again it felt as if the last five years didn't even happen
As if everything was fixed again

Cutting off the moment Bel's phone rang
"Always in the wrong time" Bel said parting from me reaching for her phone on the table beside her

She saw the caller ID and shrieked "it's Astrid" her eyes lit with happiness and excitement

"Hello" she said "yeah yeah okay" she paused for a second "oh great okay I'm coming see ya bye"

"What's up?" I asked
"Um nothing I have to go out I'll be out for a couple hours or so "
" do you need me to come with you?"
"Oh no you stay here I won't be late"
"You sure?"
"Totally" she said "bye"
"Bye" I said waving her goodbye
Not knowing what had just happened

I decided I would watch TV till Scarlett wakes up and maybe we can go jogging or something

I was watching an Indian movie but I wasn't really paying attention I was wondering where Bel went

Is everything okay ? She seemed so happy and excited when she left but I'm still worried why didn't she want me with her?

These questions kept spinning in my head till I was distracted by Scarlett dcending the stairs rubbing her eyes , yawning and still in her PJs

"Good morning" she said sitting on the sofa next to me
I cleared my throat "you should say good afternoon it's past 12 you late riser"
"Look who's talking"
"Hey I never claimed that I'm an early riser"
"Okay you win anyway where's your beloved one"
"Scarlett stop it"
"Have you ever seen friends that don't teas each other, Lukas?"
"Scarlett I hope you understand that I've spent the last five years of my life alone"

Scarlett's POV

He said it with sorrow in his voice and I felt so guilty
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to I was just-"
"It's okay you know never mind"

He rose to his feet and went out
"I'm going for a walk" he said slamming the door behind him

I ran after him
"Hey Lukas I'm really sorry"
"Never mind just leave me alone"
"I said leave me alone" he shouted

I went back inside feeling so guilty ...

I was just teasing him we're friends after all why did he get so upset oh my God he might go to that bar again oh what have I done? I'll go after him

I ran up the stairs wore my black skinny my sky blue and white shirt and my converse

Quickly I got out of the house the bar wasn't so far but to make sure Bel won't be worried about us I left a note saying that me and Lukas went out for a walk perhaps she might come back anytime I didn't even know were she was

I reached the bar and went inside Lukas was sitting by the bar already drinking

"Lukas listen I'm so sorry okay please don't be upset and don't drink please"
"Scarlett I'm the one who should be apologizing you didn't do anything wrong I'm just a little upset today "

I took a seat next to him " what's wrong?"
"Today is my birthday-"
"Oh happy birthday how can you be upset on such a day?!"
"Cuz I don't see a good reason why I was born my life is just pointless and it sucks"
"Lukas if Bel heard you she would have killed you Lukas you're offending her saying these stuff and you're offending me , your grand mom and Ethan they all love you, you are so worthy to us Lukas you have people that really love you I didn't tell you before Bel told me she loves you don't make her love seem worthless"
"Scarlett do you mean it? Did she really tell you that she loves me ?"

He said so delighted and with disbelief at the same time
"Yes Lukas believe me she did"
"Scarlett you now told me that best thing in my life thank you"

He hugged me a friendly hug and I hugged him back "that's what friends are for" I said


Hey everyone hope you enjoyed
I know this chapter is pretty short and eventless if that's even a word but anyways the next chapter is a lot better I promise

Vote and comment please😉

Have a good day everyone😘

One Rainy Night....Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora