twenty two

24 3 0

Annabel's POV

it's been two weeks since School started and i'm already nuts

Wow God many things have happened just in two weeks Freddie wasn't even trying to hide his crush on Scarlett

On our second day in school he asked a lot about Scarlett I can't even remember most of his questions now

I and Lukas talked about it he said that Freddie is a good guy and he thinks that he's good for her

Anyways what we all forgot about is how does Scarlett herself feel about him

It was around four PM I was working on my school project when Lukas called

(On phone)
"Hello my Lazy Prince"
"How's my Angel doing?"
"Apparently she doesn't even have time to sleep"
"Why's that?"
"Projects, projects and tests then even more projects i'm going out of my mind"
"I told you Angel eyes you won't even have time to miss me"
"But I do Lukas whatever i'm doing I always miss you so much don't ever say stuff like this again okay you offend me"
"I'm sorry Angel eyes don't you even try be upset with me"
"Ah Lukas you know I can't"
"Anyways I have something to tell you it may calm you down a little bit"
"I'm all ears"
"Okay you know I dropped college"
"Yeah I sure know"
"So i'm going to college the very same year you're going and the very same college you'll apply for"
"Are you serious??!"
"Lukas that's marvelous oh my God that's perfect Lukas I love you"
"Hhhhh I love you more Angel eyes I love you so much I can't even express it enough for you to know"
"Anyways how are you doing? Any arguments with your aunt?"
"No not really I didn't see her in a week"
"Oh ah Lukas that's crazy"
"I know"
"No really I've been thinking bout it you told me she used to love you as if you were hers then something changed with the accident happening I think she couldn't take it"
"Ah Annabel look don't bother yourself with it I did all this thinking years ago and believe me it doesn't get anywhere"
"Okay just try not to be stressed about it look no matter how hard you're trying to hide it I know you're not always okay Lukas I can feel it"
"It's not her Bel I just miss you so much"
"I miss you more Lukas look I have an idea why don't we meet in the summer house on my birthday and Scarlett would come with me"
"Great and it's not so long till your birthday this would be perfect"
"Okay great ahhh now I really need to go"
"It's okay Angel eyes I get it take care"
"You too bye"

Lukas' POV

Talking about Bel's birthday made me decide to throw her a party I mean she did right

Plus she did a lot for me more than I would have even asked so this was the least I could do for her

The first person that popped in my head to call of course was Scarlett

(On phone)
"Hello Lukas"
"Scarlett how are you doin gal?"
"I'm good thank God and I think you're in a really good mood"
"Indeed i'm so happy and excited"
"For what?"
"Planning out Bel's birthday surprise party"
"Oh so that's why you're calling not to check on your friend who you didn't talk to since school started"
"Ouch i'm sorry really I just wasn't feeling so good you know with my aunt and not seeing Bel and all"
"Lukas that's what friends are for they're not supposed to be with you only in your good times bad times are what show you who your real friends are anyways"
"Okay I won't do it again sorry please don't be angry with me"
"Okay fine let's do this again what's on your mind?"
"We were talking today and as usual I mentioned how much I missed her so she proposed we meet in the summer house on her birthday"
"Did that include me or did she want it as a date and all"
"No she said she would come with you so I decided to throw her a party"
"Okay it's not a problem did you decide what to bring her as a present"
"Uh oh"
"I thought so okay you see what to get her and leave planning that party on your friend here"
"Okay thanks dude I don't know what to do without you"
"No need buddy take care bye"

I spent a good half an hour thinking of the perfect birthday present I thought of a lot of stuff I just couldn't decide which

Why should I bring one thing anyways I'll get them all i'm sure she'll love it

I made up my mind to go shopping for the stuff I wanted to get Bel tomorrow
Her birthday is a week later then this thought crossed my mind Scarlett didn't even mentioned Freddie is that because she was upset with me or isn't he important for her as we thought

Ah only God knows what on my unbilogical sister's mind

Scarlett's POV

I texted everyone and by everyone I mean Emy, Sophie, Colie, Marcus, Bryan and of course Dylan

I told them about the whole thing and that it would be in the summer house on Sunday of the next week they were all excited especially that we don't usually celebrate her birthday with them cuz of course the distance but this year she would do anything to see Lukas and she doesn't know what will be waiting for her

When I finished texting everyone I put my phone on my desk where I was sitting finishing some school work

It wasn't five minutes later when my phone buzzed it was a message from Freddie

That guy texts me a lot these days what is the matter with him

Freddie: hey scarr -i hope you won't mind calling you Scarr- I wanted to say hi since I didn't get to see you in school today
Scarlett: I don't mind calling me Scarr 😂 BTW I went to School today it's you I didn't see today
Freddie: we don't have classes together unfortunately and I didn't show up at the cafeteria today cuz I was helping Mr.Robinson with some stuff during lunch time
Scarlett: ah I see thanks for that it was sorta nice
Freddie: no need
Scarlett: ☺ okay I need to go now ttyl
Freddie: okay ttyl take care

That guy is really nice he'd been since the first time I saw him I wonder if he can attend Bel's birthday party

I'll ask Lukas if that's okay

(On phone)
"Hey Lukas"
"Hey did everything go well?"
"Um yeah yes everything went so well it will be next Sunday"
"Okay great we can set everything on Saturday I'll spend the night there but you'll have to go back cuz you know you should come together"
"Yes sure um Lukas can I invite one of our friends in school"
"Well of course. But who?"
"His name's Freddie you already know him I guess"
"Yeah I met him once"
"So it's okay if he comes"
"Yes anything you want"
"Oh thanks Lukas bye"

Lukas' POV

Turns out I was wrong she is interested in that guy Freddie

She sounded so happy and excited than ever when I told her he can come

I hope he's good for her I hope he can compensate for her past just like Bel compensated everything for me


Hello cute people everywhere I hope you enjoyed and BTW yes I call everyone dude even if it's a girl and yes Scarr as in the fantastic movie seventeen again oh my God I love that movie anyways have an amazing day and please comment and vote 😄

Happy new year!!! I hope you make the best out of 2017. Have a blessed year everyone love you all❤🌹😍😘💋🎉🎊🎆🎈

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