tewnty one

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Annabel's POV

I woke up extra early since it was my first day of my senior year got dressed than sat with myself looking at the picture of us and the Eiffel tower

I knew well Lukas would be still asleep Now I grabbed my phone to leave him a text anyways

Annabel: good morning my lazy prince!😘 First day of senior year wish me luck 😃

I pressed send and went down to have breakfast with my parents at times like these I really miss Astrid being with us

"How's Lukas? Did you call'im?" Dad asked
"Yes dad sure. He said he's doing fine but I strongly doubt that especially that I have a strong feeling he met his aunt but he didn't call so I don't know what happened nor what to expect"
"He's a strong fella i'm sure he'll be okay"
"I hope so daddy"

"Here you go my dears breakfast is ready" mom said putting our plates in front of us
"What about you?" I asked
"I have to go an important surgery is taking place in an hour I need to be ready"
"Okay good luck" I said
She kissed me in the cheek and kissed my father quickly cuz you know I was sitting

"Are you okay my princess?" dad asked
"I'm not sure dad I miss him so much"
"I know sweetie I know but my little daughter is strong I trust her"
"Well she is so lucky"
"And she also need to be strong for someone else who needs her"

I looked at him and smiled he always knew what to say at times like these

I finished breakfast once I put my plate in the sink Scarlett rang the doorbell

I said goodbye to my dad and went with her the school wasn't far we walked there

When we reached the school it was still quarter an hour to the first period

We stood there greeting our friends who we didn't see through out the whole summer

We were chatting you know the typical questions how was your summer? Where did you go? What did you do? Blah blah blah

I wasn't really paying much attention
Then I felt someone pat on my shoulder to my surprise it was Freddie
"Freddie what are you doing here?"
"I wanted to ask the same thing"
"Well I asked first"
"Fair enough" he said "I moved here last week it's my first year in this school and the last"
"I live here I spend the summer there in a summer house"
"Ah I see"

"Hey Bel come and say hi to the others" Scarlett said then realized I was standing with Freddie
"Hello i'm Freddie" he said stretching out his hand to her
"Scarlett" she said shaking his hand "you're new here, aren't you?"
"It's nice to meet you"
"Nice to meet you too, Scarlett" he said her name as if she was an old friend or something

She looked at me the kinda look who-is-that-fella?
"And how's your jealous boyfriend?" He asked
"Um he's good I'll tell him you say hi"
"Wait he knows Lukas?!" Scarlett asked clarifying
"Yes it's a long story Scarlett remember Lukas' birthday party?"
"Of course"
"He works at the cake place I ordered the cake from we chatted then a little
And he was the bar guy at the yacht party so we're sorta friends"
"Oh okay it's bizarre though"

I shrugged "how many jobs do you have anyways?" Scarlett asked out of nowhere
"Few you know i'm planning on going to collage and stuff"
"Oh yes sure"

The first period bell rang "I guess I'll see you around" Scarlett said
"Let that happen"

We went to our classes my schedule wasn't so bad for that day I actually had one with Freddie and about three with Scarlett that was more than I would have even asked

The class I had with Freddie was Algebra II since it was boring and more complicated than ever add to that the teacher was like 60 it was his last year of teaching before he retires
So he didn't really care if we talked or even did drugs in class

"Your friend doesn't seem to like me" he said
"Why do you think she doesn't?"
"I don't know just a feeling I got"
"I think you're mistaken Scarlett is a very out going and loving person if she indeed dislikes you it must be something huge you did you just met today there's no way she dislikes you"
"I hope you're right she seems to be a very nice person to know"
"She sure is"

Finally lunch break came by the time it did I was already tired
"How was your classes?" Scarlett asked
"Not bad yours?"
"Don't you like Freddie?"
"Excuse me"
"He told me he thinks you don't"
"I don't particularly like him but I don't dislike him either I don't know he seems .... Um friendly"
"Well he is"

We continued our lunch and chat. Classes after lunch break passed really fast i walked home alone Scarlett said there was something wrong with her schedule so she went to edit it

when I went in both mom and dad weren't there I was used to that I went up stairs took a quick shower and changed into something comfy

Then grabbed my phone wow this whole day without Lukas it seemed impossible at a time anyways I dialed his number

(On phone)
"Hellooo Angel eyes"
"My lazy prince" I said laughing a little hearing his voice made every part of me be more alive
"How was your first day?"
"It was really good .... Anyways did you meet your aunt?"
"Uh yes"
"It was really bizarre although she's the same heartless person I left behind I saw a very quick flash of softness in her eyes when I told her that I could have died it lasted for just less than a second but I believe it was a miracle"
"Wow that wasn't what we expected and it's a good sign"
"Yeah sure"
"Oh yeah I wanted to tell you something I met that guy from the yacht party Freddie remember him"
"Yeah partly"
"It turned out he moved in town and goes to the same school as well"
"What's so important?"
"Here it comes we talked today the three of us Scarlett, Freddi and me and I guess he likes her I can tell from his body language and all"
"What about her?"
"I don't know they only talked for less than quarter an hour and you know guys catch feelings faster than girls"
"Then we'll wait and see what happens"
"Sure okay ... Lukas I really need to go I'll call you before I go to bed"
"Okay Angel eyes I'll be waiting for you take care"
"You too bye"
(Hung up)

I started studying I didn't have much to do it was just the first day of school

Mom and dad hadn't returned yet so I passed by Scarlett's
"Who is it?" I heard her ask
"It's me Scarlett"
"Come on in" she said opening the door
"No no I wanna walk you have something now?"
"Not really let's go"
"So did you edit the schedule?"
"Yeah though the woman was so rude I don't know what's wrong with that lady"
"Hhhh calm down your face is red"
"It was more red this afternoon no kidding"
"Hhhh yeah I bet"
"And I met Freddie on my way home
We chatted a little he's so nice and funny let me say"
"He is"

"Anyways how's Lukas? Did you call'im today?" Scarlett asked
"This shouldn't be a question"
"Right so how's he doing?"
"He's good thank God he met his aunt yesterday he said he saw a flash of softness in her eyes when he told her that he would have been dead if it wasn't for me"
"That's good I think"
"Maybe I don't know i'm always worrying about him anyways whatever he says I don't calm down I can't help it"
"It's okay that's pretty normal you love him"
"Oh I do I really do"


Hello everyone I hope you're enjoying
Do you think Scarlett and Freddie fit together personally I love them
Hope you do too

Have a wonderful day

Lots of love😘❤😍🌹

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