twenty eight (Epilogue)

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Annabel's POV
*11 years later*

"Mom where's my new dress?" Ashley asked
"It's on your bed sweetie" I said placing a kiss on her forehead "get dressed and come quickly I want to do your hair before aunt Astrid and uncle Ethan arrive"
"Sure mommy" she said running to her room I can't believe it's been five years since she was born ahh she's our little Angel

Today is Ashley's fifth birthday she as you could guess my and Lukas' daughter when she was born mom and Lukas insisted we continue the A tradition Astrid did too

Astrid gave birth to a twins a boy and a girl Andy and Angela they were nearly the same age as Ashely take or add a few month

"Annabel my dear did you make sure the rooms are ready for your parents and Astrid and Ethan's too?" Aunt Ariana asked
"Yes sure aunt"
"Okay great I'll go decorate the cupcakes for my lovely Ashely" she said heading to the kitchen

Oh did I tell you we live at aunt Ariana's well I better say ours now
After a month from our engagement I couldn't hide it from Lukas no more I told him everything he was a little upset that I didn't tell him once I knew he was shocked too we had a day full of drama back then

Before we got married aunt Ariana made us promise that we'll live with her she said she didn't know how much time she had left she wasn't and isn't that old though

She said she wanted us to be around her till her last breath for Ashely she's granny from her father's side

As for Scarlett and Freddie they are newly married they married once they got back here they were on a tour in Europe it lasted for around five years after they graduated college
Dylan and Emy didn't get married .... Yet they're traveling the world together

Bryan got married to Sophie I can't tell you how surprised I was when they told us they were dating I was so happy for them

They have two beautiful kids but they moved to another state last year I miss them we used to get together every weekend and make a barbeque party Astrid and Ethan would come too oh yeah I forgot to tell you they moved here right after getting married they found a near good house and moved there

We still go to the summer house sometimes I can't describe how much I love that place it's where our love grew I love our memories there whenever we go we talk about them and laugh and the better part is we also make some new memories there every year

"Mom mom i'm done how do I look"
"Oh cupcake you look like a princess now let's do your hair" I said carrying her resting her on my lap I made her hair half a French braid she looked better than a princess in her pastel pink dress

"Mom are grand ma and grand pa coming for my birthday?" She asked
"Oh of course they are honey they'll be here anytime Scarlett and Freddie are coming too"
"Great will Andy and Angela be with aunt Astrid"
"Sure they will sweetie now go watch totally spies till I finish decorating the house with garanny Ariana okay?"
"Okay mom"

15 minutes after we finished decorating Lukas arrived with the cake "Angel eyes" he called oh my God after ELEVEN years he still calls me that I love it I love him
"Yes my lazy prince" I said walking to the door he gave me the cake
"You need to put that in the fridge" he said

He placed a kiss quickly on my lips
"I'm going to go get ready. where's our little Angle by the way?"
"She's watching totally spies"
"Okay i'm going to say hi"
I put my hand on he's shoulder
"Don't you dare scare her today okay"
"I won't unfortunately" I smiled and went to the kitchen

Lukas have a habit of tickling Ashely when she's watching TV. I put the cake in the fridge and went to get ready

When I was done I heard the doorbell ring aunt Ariana got it the sounds of Astrid, Ethan and the kids came after

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