twenty three

26 3 0

Scarlett's POV (Sunday)

Lukas and I set everything in the summer house yesterday we put decorations and light wires it looked amazing just like a dream

He also bought a projector screen so we can all have a Skype video call with Astrid and Ethan he said that Bel would be really happy to see her sister on her birthday

Of course we didn't forget about Amanda and Julian but they had already celebrated together as a family on Friday night

I had to ask Bel if Freddie could come with us of course she said yes she surly thought that it would be only the four of us

Freddie stopped by then we went together to Bel's cuz we decided to go with one car and as usual Annabel would drive

I rang the doorbell Bel opened in less than a minute she was more than ready to see Lukas

"Good morning guys" she greeted
"Good morning Bel happy birthday" I said hugging her
"Thanks Scarlett"
"Happy birthday crush cake girl" Freddie said that what he calls her
"Thanks bar guy" she giggled
"Let's go" I said

We headed to the car and set off Bel turned the radio on me and her started singing we nearly knew all the songs as for Freddie he watched us and laughed

Lukas's POV

I woke up earlier than ever that day I was so very super extremely eager to see Bel and to see her reaction to this surprise party and to the presents I got her

Ah I just really love her. Scarlett texted me saying that they were on their way here

Not so long after that our squad started arriving one after another
Everyrhing was ready we just had to wait for Bel with all the lights off and of course the curtains drawn so she wouldn't see us

I locked the door too so when she opens it she'd think I didn't get here yet

Then I waited and waited and waited it wasn't really that long till they came but it seemed like time refused to pass it was just because I wanted to see her as heck and maybe even more

Annabel's POV

We arrived finally oh God I can't believe I'll finally see him

I got out of the car as soon as I parked I took my purse got out my keys as fast as I could and ran to the front door feeling Scarlett and Freddie behind me

The door was still locked oh a flash of disappointment rushed through me for a moment

When I opened the door it was dark of course cuz Lukas hadn't arrived yet that what I thought but then .......

"Happy birthdayyyy" it was so loud for a second I saw all of our squad but then my view was blocked by Lukas the next thing I knew I was spinning and Lukas' arms wrapped around my waist

"Angel eyes I missed you Happy birthday what do you think?"
"I .... I ... I'm speechless I love you i'm the luckiest girl on planet earth to have you thank you" I said rushing to his arms again

We both hugged so tight as if trying to get enough of each other before we go again but of course it was out of the question

Everyone greeted me I was so happy to celebrate my birthday with all of them I usually don't but this year it's so special with Lukas here and everything

I noticed Dylan and Emy laughing on their on every now and then and Bryan looking at them smiling

It's good to see everyone happy
"Now let's blow some candles" Lukas said from behind me pushing me towards the table they put the cake on "hhhh Lukas slow down"
"No way my Angel"

One Rainy Night....حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن