The Devil Returns

18 3 1

Elizabeth's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I wake up and realize I was back in my room. I sit up and head towards the bathroom to take a shower because soon I will see Hannah again and possibly Dr. Burns.

I still can't believe I kissed him on the cheek. That's so unlike me but I can't wait to tell Hannah all about it. I'm so grateful she's ok.

I take a quick shower just washing my hair and shaving my armpits and legs. 

Gosh why does hair have to grow back so fast?!

I dry my hair and then straighten it, and like always I burn my ear my accident.'

"Damnit!" I say while putting down the straightener and putting some cold water on it quickly. I'm able to cool it off for a moment, but it just keeps feeling like its burning still even after I finish straightening my hair trying to avoid my ears more this time. I put on my typical mascara and eyeliner, and with the towel still wrapped around me I head to my dresser.

Lets see I need something casual so lets see if I can find my white button up shirt and a pair of skinny jeans with my brown boots.

"Ah-ha! Found you little sneaky foxes!" I throw my clothes on do one last take in the mirror.

I rush down stairs and head to the door. 

"Elizabeth, where on earth are you going?" asks my Aunt Marie as I slowly turn around and see her next to one of the men I saw at that dinner awhile ago.

"I'm going to go visit Hannah." I say leaving out the part about she's in the hospital.

"Take your body guards with I don't want you alone until your Uncle Nick is apprehended." she turns back to her co-worker and continues talking about buisness. 

Ugh I really don't want those guys following me, but theirs no way I can get them off my back today.

I await a couple minutes until their arrival and then I get into their car they always arrive in.

"Why hello Elizabeth were you expecting those men? Well you're just going to have to come with me now are you going to put up a fight or obey?" says the voice I know all to well. I look toward the door and two men come in on each side squishing me right in the middle. 

"Good girl, now lets be on our way shall we?" as he says that he snaps his fngers and we start moving to where? I do not know, all I do know is I'm in for the fight of my life.

A Change in the TideTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon