Unknown Tales

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Vicky's POV *************************************************************************************************

Hannah and I arrive at the party right as it's getting started.

"Now this is what I'm talking about." I say with a devious grin on my face.

"Oh. Don't forget to send Elizabeth that text I told you to send." with such disgust in my voice that she does it in front of me.

Now there is my catch for the night, and now that Hannah's sent that message I can have alittle fun tonight 'cause I deserve it.

"Hannah, I'll catch up with you later. I have some.. business to take care of." I walk away before she can say anything.

I head towards the gentleman who clearly has been eyeballing me since I have arrived. I wore a red mini-dress with a low-cut enough to show some skin. I walk over to the mystery man and smile a flirtatious smile.

"So what are brings you here?" I ask as I run my finger down his chest then looking back at him. I notice a wedding ring on his finger. 

Oh boy the typical asshole looking for fun night to screw around with a one night stand. Hell I've been basically raised around this stuff. 

"Oh you know just looking for a fun night to have." he says with a devilish grin and pulls me in.

He taste like an ashtray while making out, but hey if its a good time i'll be willing to go with it. We break apart for a minute and I can already tell he's getting happy down there. As we head to the couch I catch the site of Elizabeth walking around.

Why the hell is she here?! I told Hannah to send her the text and yet the bitch still comes! I'm not going to let her ruin my night. I'll show her whose having all the fun.

I get on top of this stranger man and start grinding against him while we continue to make out. We continue like this while he picks me up and we head up to an empty bedroom. He throws me on the bed and closes the door and locks it.  Of course I'm not a virgin, but every time this happens it gets easier and easier to just let my mind wander while I have sex with this strange man.


I head down stairs putting on my last shoe, and start to look for Hannah.

God where is she? She probably left cause parties aren't her thing. God I'm such a terrible friend. I've never really had a friend though so I guess I don't really know how to treat one.

I keep looking then decide to give up and text her.

"Hey I couldn't find you. I guess you left. Text me when you get this. -Vicky." I stuff my phone in my pocket and continue to my car. I have a little blue bug my parents got me for my sixteenth birthday to make up for everything they do.

"Now to head home and do alittle homework then pass out." I say while getting into my car and buckling up.

Oh god Vicky why do you talk to yourself, you're such a freak this is why you have no friends. 

"I have Hannah and that's all I need." I say outloud as I drive home. I turn on my radio and Feel by Sleeping with Sirens starts playing. I just turn up the volume and drown out the world. I arrive home shortly after. 

Well mom and dad are actually home tonight I wonder if they'll say anything, but I doubt it cause they never do.

I head inside and head to my room, but right as I get to the stairs my drunk mother walks out from the kitchen.

"Oh so now the little bitch is home now? Look at you just like your mother." she smirks at that thought and takes another drink of her Cupcake wine. 

"Mom, I'm going to bed and so should you. You don't want to wake dad." I said getting scared by the minute.

"Who cares. Your father would agree with me that his daughter is a nasty little slut, loner that will never amount to anything in her miserable life. I feel bad Hannah picked you as a friend." she ends up laughing after that and I hear a doy slam open.

"What the hell is going on here?" my father's voice roars over my moms laughter and she stops.

"Where the hell have you been Vicky, and why are you dressed like that?!" he asks nearly turning all red in the face and stepping towards me before noticing his wife that is stumbling down the stairs. 

"Martha, put the wine away and come up to bed! I know you've been out again." he says so stern that it sends a chill down your back.

"Oh shut up John. We all know you fucked your secretary before you came home." she takes another sip and then throws the bottle on the floor.

I sneak out of their view and head to my room and lock my door behind me. I take off my clothes and put on my long t-shirt that was from my grandma that went to California. I wish I could have went with her. She was always there for me until a few years ago when my father said I could never speak/see her again, because of something about having dementia and putting her in a nursing home. I plop on my modern blue bed and cuddle my pillow while my mind races.

Why must my parents act ok around other people, but at home they the worst in the world. My mom was a prostitute until she found my dad one day as her client. He of course cheated on his wife with my mother until they got divorced and then married my mother. I'm his only child though. When my mother first found out of his affair she just had friends over to comfort her. When he started neglecting her and me his "little princess" I would go with my mom to "work" because she craved affection from my dad, but since my dad didn't give anymore. I was looked after by her "co-workers" when she was busy. I don't want to be like her yet I am, all I need is a friend. I know Hannah's there for me but I've treated her so terribly. I'm jealous of Elizabeth cause they have such a close bond. I really need to talk to someone about this. I'm gonna call Hannah in the morning and have her stay the night.

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