The Dreaded Letter

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I see my name written in blue ink and I turn the envelope over to tear it open. I open it up to see a letter and a picture of my parents and I when i was five. I flipped open the letter and read the letter;

"Hello Elizabeth, I do hope you have been doing well in life so far. I have heard that you have moved recently to Aunt Marie's house in Willis County. I know you'll be entering your senior year of high school this fall. I must say you have grown into quite the astonishing young woman. Of course I will be long gone from this area once you receive my letter, but just know I'm always watching. That friend of your, Hannah, she's such a beauty but you'll always be my cutie pie.

~With Great Love.

I drop to the floor knowing its from my Uncle Nick. I can't speak or think straight right now. I knew this man was a monster, but now he's going after me again and he knows about Hannah and I reconnecting. 

This can't be happening. I had a feeling it was but I was hoping I was wrong and he wouldn't come here. No matter where I go he'll be there too. I just want my life to be normal but with him living and breathing it never will be. 

"Elizabeth, honey, you're ok. I will get security here and I'll personally make sure when school starts you'll be watched by the best security guards around." she says as she leaves dialing numbers on her phone.

I guess the phone towers still work. Hannah picks me up and we head back to my room and she sets me on my bed. I just sit there for what feels like hours, but it must have been like ten or twenty minutes when I finally say something.

"I'm so sorry I got you into this. I don't want anything to happen to 'cause I don't know what I'd do if I lost you again." I said with tears coming down my face again. I wipe then with my hands that somehow feel frozen. 

"Liz, nothing will happen again and we'll always be by each others side from now on. I wont let anything happen to you. This, this monstrous man will get whats coming him sooner or later. For now you got you Aunt and I to watch over you." she says hoping to reassure me. I look at her and smile.

"Thanks you're the best." I say while hugging her. I look at my phone and I realize I haven't spoken to my mom in a while and I should probably let her know whats going on. I pick up the phone and dial my house phone. No answer. I get a really bad feeling in my gut. 

"Go get my Aunt Marie, now, please!" I say to Hannah and she takes off running and yelling for my Aunt Marie. 

This can't be happening, no it can't! Why me? Why must this monstrous man come after me and just torture everyone that matters to me. I thought surely he would be gone after years of not contacting anyone specailly me, but it's obvious he has unfinished business with me. I have to dance with my own demons before I dance with the devil himself.

I try to dial my parents again even trying there cellphones this time but still no answer. I know deep down something is wrong and I know my Uncle Nick has something to do with it. I wish they would just answer so I know I'm just overreacting, but I know they would answer my if I called them specailly since I live with Aunt Marie now.

I lay down on my bed and cuddle my pillow and just let the sobs come while I wait for Hannah to return with my Aunt Marie.

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