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A few months passed and, well what can I say, my Aunt Marie kept her word. I'm now being watched by the best guys she could find to be my body guards. They don't even speak they just stand there and watch me. It's really creepy, but I have to accept it since my Uncle Nick sent that letter. He hasn't contacted me since then, but I've had paranoia a lot more recently. I've had vivid nightmares that my Uncle kidnaps me and tries to molest and murder me. I don't even dream, but when I do it;s mostly a sign to me.

I head to my first class which is Basic Drawing. I walk in and just set my stuff on the table.

I really wish Hannah was in my classes, but she has all her classes with Vicky of course. Ill be just fine. I can sit with her at lunch later on after fifth period. The day flies by and eventually its lunch time so I shove my stuff in my tall, ugly, tan locker and grab my lunch and head to the cafeteria. I walk into the lunch room and spot Hannah and Vicky together immediately. I start to head over there but soon realize the tables completely full of all Vicky's little minions. 

Looks like I'll be eating alone like I did at my last school. It's nothing new to me I've always been kind of an outcast and a loner at school. 

Right as I'm turning around my eyes catch Vicky staring at me and a smirk on her face. 

I knew she had to be the cause that I can't sit near Hannah. Why is she so vicious I've never done anything to her!

I head to the bathroom and close a stall door and start eating my ham sandwich my Aunt's chef made me. I just sit there in silence. All of a sudden I hear the bathroom door open and hear Vicky's and Hannah's voices as they walk in.

"I'm telling you that girl is a freak, Hannah." says Vicky with such disgust in her voice.

"Look, Vicky, I don't care what you think about her, but she's still my best friend. In fact she can be alot nicer than you, Vicky." Hannah says in a very defensive voice, but I can also hear the coward in it.

Why is Hannah's voice breaking and sounding scared all of sudden.

Right then I find out.

"Listen here Hannah, if it wasn't for me you wouldn't be were you are today. You'd be one of those lousy outcasts that have no friends and no lives. Now remember who you're talking to cause if you say the wrong thing you might just lose everything. Even that freak you call your best friend, Elizabeth." said Vicky with such power and venom in her voice. 

"I.. I'm sorry, Vicky.." said Hannah almost in tears. 

"Its whatever. Now fix yourself up we got a party to go to tonight." she said but I could tell their was an evil smirk on her face. 

I can't let Hannah keep being bullied by this monster, but the fact she said that Hannah would lose me is odd. I know Vicky's good at ruining reputations, but I have a bad feeling about what she just said.

I walk out of the bathroom stall throw my lunch away and hurry to my next class. 

I have to talk to Hannah after school.

The day goes by quiet slow since I'm so anxious to get out of class, and catch Hannah before she leaves with Vicky. I run to my locker throw everything in my bag thats homework and run to Hannah's locker. 

"Hannah!" I say yelling to catch her attention as I approach her. 

"Oh, hey, Elizabeth. Sorry but I have to Vicky's driving me home." I catch a glimpse at her eyes and see such sorrow and hurt. 

"Oh, ok." I say and just walk to my car. As I arrive to my car I see a note on my windshield saying, "Meet me at Jeff's Cafe at six tonight.

Who the hell wants to meet me? Hannah, Vicky, my Uncle? I can't tell my Aunt cause I finally convinced them to go home for the day. I'll just have to sneak out and meet this "mystery" person.

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