The Phone Call

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I waited my heart racing faster with every ring just hoping she would pick up. On the very last ring I heard the ringing stop and a girl's voice;

"Hello?" says the voice that I know is Hannah cause she has that just right high pitch voice.

"Hey, is this Hannah Jones? This is Elizabeth Hammon." I say neverous and excited hoping she remembers me. I cross my fingers hoping.

"Elizabeth Hammon? Sorry I don't remember a  girl of that name." says Hannah. My hopes are crushed, but wait I'll try to make her remember that last day we hung out before she left. She has to rememeber we got ice cream all over our faces.

"Oh. Well do you remember when you were younger you hung out with a girl the same age as you, and you both got ice cream all over your faces and your mom took a picture of you two?" I say hoping this brings back her remembrance of us two when we were younger.

"Oh my god, you're that Elizabeth?! I thought you moved or you forgot about me!" she says sounding excited and happy to hear from me. I can feel my nerves calming down and feeling happy that she remembers her old best friend.

 "No! I could never forget about my best friend, Hannah. I've wanted to see you, but its all a long story. Do you think I could come visit you tomorrow morning?" I ask hoping to say yes so I can explain everything to her and finally have my best friend Hannah back.

"Of course! It will have to wait until later in the day because I have to go to Vicky's house to grab a few things." she says cheery. 

Who is Vicky? Maybe it's a cousin or another best friend of hers. If it is I''m glad she has another one. I hope Vicky is nice. 

"Do you think I could come with you and meet this Vicky?" I ask hoping she says yes. Any friends of Hannah is a friend of mine.

"That's a good idea! You can meet her and talk to her while I grab my stuff." Hannah says as I can tell her smile lighting up a room. She must be happy to hear that I want to meet this Vicky chick.

"Ok so its settled. Send me directions to your house in the morning and I'll pick you up Hannah. Then well go to Vicky's house and grab your stuff." I say happy as I can be.  

I finally get to see my best friend after all these years. Hannah interupts my train of thought.

"Ok, see you tomorrow, Elizabeth! Bye." she says and waits for my response.

"Bye, Hannah." I say and then end the call.

I can't wait to see her tomorrow and her friend Vicky too. Maybe Aunt Marie will let her stay the night. I hope so. I just hope tomorrow all goes well.

I look at the photo of us when we were younger. I'm so elated I could just scream, but I also have this feeling that something isn't quite right.

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