The Truth Comes Out

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"Elizabeth, is that man related to you in anyway?" Hannah asks horror in her eyes and terror in her voice.

"Hannah, I have to be honest with you. Just please listen to my whole story ok? I say my eyes pleading with hers.

"Ok, I will." she says moving around in her spot cause she's uncomfortable.

"My Uncle Nick is my father's brother. For as long as I can remember when I was a kid he always asked for money from everyone. He asked my father for five thousand dollars than we never saw him again. We also never got a cent back of the money we loaned him too. My father didn't hear from him again until he got a call from him. My Uncle Nick had connections all over to keep him away from the law's reach. He soon got crazed with power and greed that he began killing just so he could get the money he wanted, but he soon turned to drugs for the rush. If he's coming here I have to warn my Aunt Marie and I can't be seen with you. He may be coming for me." I take a deep breathe my words starting to tremble for what I'm about to say.

"When I was younger my Uncle Nick would touch me. He would sneak over just to tap on my window and lay in my bed with me. I thought this was how Uncle's were suppose to be with their nieces. I've never told anyone what he did. He tried to have sex with me at five years old." I say hot tears streaming down my face then continue;

"He said the last time I saw him was; 'I'll be back again cutie pie. Don't ever forget our special bond.' he said with a smirk and then he left. 

I couldn't hold it in anymore I just started crying and just kept crying for what seemed like forever. After a few hours I laied in bed feeling better after getting that off my chest, but worrying that I'm endagering my best friend to a monster who wont stop at anything.

"I'm going to stay the night." Hannah said with a firm voice.

"Ok, but I do need to speak to my Aunt Marie." I said my voice all hoarse cause of the crying.

"We'll lets go find her then." Hannah said taking charge of the matter while I'm in my vulnerable state.

We went to my Aunt Marie's office where she works at night. I knock on the door.

"Aunt Marie, can I speak to you for a minute?" I ask my voice still alittle hoarse but getting better.

"Of course honey come on in!" she says as she looks up from her laptop.

"Have you seen the news at all tonight?" I ask hoping she knows why I'm asking, but also with great concern in my voice.

"No? Why do you ask Elizabeth." my Aunt asks looking at me in confusion.

"Umm... Well the news said that Uncle Nick may be in this area." I said with terror in my voice.

"This is not good. Not good at all, I must call your parents. Please go to your room with Hannah and stay there, sweetie." We leave and I can hear grave concern while her face turned white as a ghost.

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