Life or Death

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I pick Hannah up from the sidewalk and rush to my car placing her gently in the passenger seat. I put the car in drive and speed towards the nearest hospital.

"Hannah, just hang on, ok? We're almost to the hospital." I say trying to still be brave and trying not to cry.

I look over at her while she tries to stay awake from unconsciousness. Her hazel eye's slipping the life from them. I speed through a stop sign and a cop starts his lights up.

I don't need this right now, I need to save my best friend's life! I'll just explain at the hospital.

I drive a few more miles while the cop is still chasing me. The blue and red lights filling up my car briefly while another one joins the pursuit. I look over at Hannah again seeing she's losing blood fast. Her white part dress is drenched in blood. 

"Just a few more minutes, Hannah. Please hang in there. You're all I have. I can't lose you again." I say crying this time not caring anymore. A few moments pass as I try to stop and I approach the hospital. 

I stop my car close to the Emergency Entrance sign glowing bright red with white around the lettering. I rush over to the passenger side and pick Hannah up. She fell into unconsciousness again. While her red hair falls over my arms and her arms lay limp hanging off her side. 

"Someone please help my best friend has been stabbed!' I yell starting to cry again. A nurse near by in a blue outfit and brown long hair tied back, grabs a stretcher to place her on and then rushes her away as a doctor checks her vitals. 

The  cops come in shortly after and ask me a few questions and I explain the whole situation. They let me off with a warning and told me to call in ahead of time so they can escort me in case of another emergency. I thank them and go into the waiting room.

I sit there and put my head between my hands and cry, and not caring who sees 

I can't lose her. She's the only best friend I've ever had. Please god, don't let her go not yet. 

I fall into a deep sleep and awake to a tapping and a man's voice saying; 


I awake and then it hits me.

"Where's Hannah? Is she ok?" I ask standing up so fast I get dizzy.

The man grabs my shoulders to assure I don't fall, and that's when I get a good look at him.

He's a tall man about 6" with the most amazing  grey eyes I've ever seen. He has black hair that's shaggy, but with his face structure it works perfectly. His ID says his name is Thomas Burns he's an intern.

Oh my, this man is the most handsome man I've ever seen. I'm sure he has a girlfriend though so no way can he ever be interested in me.

"Miss are you ok?"  Mr. Burns ask as he places me back into the chair and breaks my trance.

""Yes I'm fine. Now is Hannah ok?" I ask as worry fills my voice.

"Yes she is. You got her here in just the right time for us to stop the blood loss. If you want you may go see her, but she's very weak and she'll be here a few days." He says with a reassuring smile on his face.

"Oh thank you!" I peck him on the cheek and we stand their awkwardly for a moment.

Oh god I just kissed him! I'm so embarrassed. 

My cheeks flush with pink and I look away my blonde hair covering my face.

He chuckles; "It's ok miss. I must say you're the first one to do that, but you're a very young beautiful woman and I understand it was the spur of the moment." Thomas says smiling making me feel ok again.

"Ok, well sorry, and can you lead me to, Hannah?" I ask trying get out of here before something happens again.

We walk to a room on the third floor where an ICU unit is. I look at the room number, 754, and try to remember the way I got to it. I walk in and see Hannah awake reading a magazine about One Direction. Mr. Burns leaves after I enter the room.

"Oh thank go you're ok!" I say and rush over to hug her. She winces in pain.

"Sorry just glad you're ok." I say tears filling my eyes again.

"It's ok, but thank you, Lizzie. You saved my life, unlike Vicky who doesn't give a damn about me. I'm sorry about the message. Vicky threatened me and said if I didn't do it she'd ruin me. I don't care anymore you're my true friend." She says reaching out for another hug tears filling her hazel eyes. 

We break apart and start talking.

"So I see you're a One Direction fan?" I ask laughing but feeling better.

"Oh you know it! They're the hottest band of the century. Liam is such the cutest and so is Harry. Wait. They're all the cutest." She says while she giggles and adjusting herself in the bed.

"I can tell. They're pretty popular. Maybe when you're better we can go see a concert of them for a get well gift." I say smiling.

"That'd be the greatest thing ever, Lizzie!" she screams at the top of her lungs.

I laugh so hard I cry by her expression on her face when I told her that.

We talk a few more hours until a nurse said I had to leave. I told Hannah I'll be back in the morning and to tell her about the doctor I ran into and the incident that occured.

I'm so happy she's ok and alive. With each other we can overcome anything!

I unlock my car and head home to get some rest. 


Thank you all for have read this much! I know I don't update alot just busy alot with college but please keep reading, voting, and spreading A Change in the Tide the more reads the sooner I'll update just for you guys to keep you happy. Love you all stay beautiful! <3

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