IMPORTANT: Baby Mama // JB

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Ight this is very important. 

I am going to put a bunch of questions that would be really awesome if you answered. Just comment on them.

Since I do write this book for the enjoyment of other readers I wanna know what you guys want to happen or what you like and don't like. Plus I wanna get to know you guys. :)) and I want y'all to know a little about me so we feel connected. Lmao.

• What do you want to happen that you think I won't write in the book?

•What kind of drama do you wanna see?
(Like drama between Justin and her father... Blah blah)

•Who do you want to be in this story that isn't already in it?

•Are you guys enjoying it so far?

• Who is your fav character in the story so far?

• What do you not like in this story so I can work on fixing it?

•How did you find my story?

•Would you recommend this to others? 

Ok now it's my personal shit.

I am 16 years old. I'm a sophomore in high school and I luv jb.

I've been a fan since 2009. I've never been to a world tour because I've never been able to afford it. I've seen Justin live once. It was the "evening with jb."  I've never actually met him. I really really want to tho. I think I'd piss my pants if I ever did.

****If y'all comment on this note right here I'll show you what I look like. Lol 5 ppl gotta comment tho!! ****

I love makeup. But I'm very sporty if that makes sense. Lol

I am the oldest out of my siblings.

And yeah.

|||||||I love to sing. I fucking love it.|||||||||

I want to post a cover but I'm scared of what ppl think. I only sing with my best friend and the only reason she found out I can sing was Bc I was singing just for fun and she was like Tf where did that come from. No one at school knows I do it either lol.

I love doing it but I'm average.

I write songs too. So if there are lyrics you don't know that I enter in this story it's prolly because I wrote them.

That's basically it. Ohh I love reading that's why I decided to write this. And I love jb. So what better way to express my two fav things.

I also love helping and being helpful. So if you guys ever need advice or help with something. Just know I'm always here. All you gotta do is slide in the dms. ;) lmao.
Questions for you:
• What's your name?

• How old are you?

• What's your fav thing to do?

• Anyone like singing like me?

• Do you have any books you recommend for me?

• When did you become a Justin fan?

•Girl or boy?


I really wanna be friends with all of y'all. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

And I won't reveille what I look like or what my name really is until I feel people actually care enough lol.

And maybe I'll post my first cover ever for you guys only. ofc it would be a Justin song. 🤑🤑


Would you guys actually watch a cover if I did one 😂??

That's all

Sorry if y'all thought this was another update. Don't worry I'm already working on it. 😇😇


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