EXTRA: Ice Cream

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Persephone: Inspired by a picture I found. BTW, this chapter was written fluffy[ly] with marshmallows as pillows.


"Vanilla, strawberry and chocolate."

Mikado was walking down the road when it all happened. It was a hot day and like any other normal person - which he was not - he tried to cool down. And like any other child, he thought of the most simplest way possible; ice cream.

In his hand was an ice cream cone with three scoops of ice cream of different flavours. He hummed happily as he licked the dessert, too happy... to notice that there were people at the end of the street.


His parents were fighting, good god. What was it about again? Hmmnmmmn, after given long thought, who would actually care? The usual had happened, Izaya had avoided being hit and Shizuo threw stuff at him. They already used almost everything that was laying down at the street. A phone booth, trash can, shoe box, a cat, a cardboard box, nearly one human and etcetera.

"Izaya! Just get hit and admit lost already!" The mighty Shizuo said, lifting a red mailbox.

"Not yet, Shizu-chan!" Izaya said, smiling like a freak.

Without them noticing, Mikado was passing by. And unbeknownst to Mikado himself, he didn't knew that his parents were fighting- sorry, 'having a little argument'. That was until....

"IZAYAAAAAAAA!" Shizuo threw the red painted mailbox.

Like he always did, Izaya dodged the hard metal object. It was success to him as he did avoided an attack. What he didn't notice was that it was the weapon that made both him and Shizuo lose without any fights needed.

Mikado held his ice cream on one hand, when he heard a shout that screamed his daddy's name, he lifted his head, looked straight only to make face to face with a flying mailbox. He did not had time to react, he dodged it by stepping a step to the side but... it didn't avoid damage. Mikado got a scratch on the cheek and his ice cream on a cone was.... left with the cone.

His parents kept fighting in front of him, they didn't noticed until they heard a sob. Izaya and Shizuo turned around immediately and saw something they felt guilty of: Mikado was standing there, with teary eyes, a bleeding scratch on the face and an ice cream without the ice cream.


"Oh, shoot."

Shizuo and Izaya thought out loud at the same time.

In the end, the couple didn't fight, Mikado got a bandage and a triple scooped ice cream. Now, wasn't that great?

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