The Pudding

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Mikado and Kasuka went to Kasuka's house by using his car he parked in the studio. Once they arrived Mikado immediately set out to make Kasuka dinner.

"You know you don't have to do that Mika-chan," Kasuka said.

"No, no, I insist," the blue eyed teen said.

"Whatever you do, that won't change my mind on your payment," Kasuka told as he sat down on the dining table. "But real food for once isn't bad."

"You really need to eat something other than ramen sometimes uncle," Mikado said as he chopped some vegetables. "And chocolate pudding isn't the only dessert in the world."

"You're right. There are a lot of flavours of pudding in this world,I cannot just maintain to eat only one," the brunet said emotionlessly.

"That's not the point," Mikado said. The teen opened the fridge and saw the fridge full of chocolate pudding. Kasuka usually had some friends over and they cooked for him that was why he had some ingredients in the kitchen. But when this man wasn't with his friends he ate ramen for dinner and chocolate pudding for dessert.

Mikado searched through the refrigerator, why does this man keep the ingredient far way back, his elbow hit a pudding container and it rolled on the floor. The teen paused and crouched down to grab the container.

"Hey, Uncle Kasuka," Mikado said attracting the idol's attention. "When did you went to papa's and daddy's apartment?"

He held on the pudding container that clearly showed written on black permanent marker;

Don't eat.

Kasuka looked at Mikado with an emotionless face and said; "Please do not tell Shizuo-nii."

"Uncle..." Mikado sighed.

"Oh, too late," Kasuka said as he turned on the TV.

Mikado didn't want to watch, he only heard the sounds of street signs being thrown on the road and with daddy avoiding everything that was thrown. Oh god, not again.


Yup, that was his papa alright. There was a crash, another vending machine crashed on a wall it seemed.

"Come on Shizu-chan, you really are slow."


Kasuka turned the TV off and his nephew sighed. How did his parents able to keep their marriage was one of the world's greatest mysteries.


"Thank you for dinner Mika-chan," Kasuka said as he ate papa's pudding.

"Don't worry about it," Mikado said, cleaning up.

"Mika-chan would make a good wife," Kasuka said. "It was just a shame that Mika-chan is too busy being a gang leader."

"I told you before, uncle, I am not a girl," Mikado said, blushing. "Besides for me being Dollars' leader doesn't mean anything."

"You are young Mika-chan and leading the strongest gang in Ikebukuro is big," the brunet said eating the chocolate pudding.

"So are the Yellow Scarves," Mikado said, washing dishes.

"Their leader was... hm, who was it? Shizuo-nii mentioned his name before," the idol said. "Ah, Kida Masaomi was it?"

"Yes," Mikado said.

"The same person who commanded his gang to shoot Shizuo-nii?"

Mikado paused, letting the tap ran with water. That was right... Masaomi told them to shoot papa. But that didn't mean he was an enemy right? Masaomi wasn't thinking thoroughly with that decision. Besides those actions, they were-

"All in the past," Mikado said.

Kasuka stared at Mikado for a while. "Come to think of it, Kida-san is attending Raira too right?"


"And are you two in the same class?"


"So that's why you're overprotective of him!" Kasuka said, remaining emotionless. "You LIKE him!"

Mikado's face flushed in red, "No, it's not that! Masomi's just my friend! And you should show more expression when you are exclaiming things!"

"And you, Mika-chan, should be more of a coward. The whole world who doesn't know you are the Dollars leader and the son of the two most dangerous men in Ikebukuro see you as an innocent weakling," Kasuka said. "It is all in the act Mika-chan, we only give what they want to see."

"Well played uncle, was that in a script?"

"Yes. Oh, and Mika."


"About your payment, tomorrow you have to follow me to work."

And thus, Mikado broke a plate.

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