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Axeilia: I told you that you should NOT edit chapters while drunk.

Persephone: I didn't promise. I mean, you get dunk too!

Axeilia: There were typos you forgot. And NO I NEVER GOT DRUNK! I'm still underage.

Persephone: *smirks* Coca-Cola on midnight.

Axeilia: That... that's different....

Persephone: Hush child, I know you're a religious person and getting drunk is illegal. But talk more then I would tell Hiroshi Shinichi to help you edit.

Axeilia: N-no... not Hiro, please. *blush*

Persephone: AWH, SO CUTE! Anyway, as an apology for late updates and because I'm bored, I am going to write an extra scene. Enjoy! ^-^


Shizuo has a headache. Some people was just too stubborn. The train to Saitama was running late, gone on a delay, Izaya had went earlier than him. Back in the mansion in Saitama was full of Oriharas. What mass destruction would they create? A car accident? Assassination? Open fire?

Nah, it had to be an apocalypse.

Because the other options seemed too easy.

"Damn trains, I could run even faster if I did," Shizuo mumbled as he opened the door to the mansion. To his surprise, Mikado was asleep on Izaya's lap hugging a bunny.

"Ah, Shizu-papa is back~!" Izaya chirped. "He was waiting you know?" He said turning to the blond.

"I could see that," Shizuo said. "Where did he get the Usagi?"

"Oh it was mine when I was kid, found it back recently," Izaya said, carrying Mikado. "So I guess now it's Mikado's bunny."

"Why do I get a bad feeling for a stuffed animal?" Shizuo thought outloud.



Five-year-old Mikado was sitting on his parent's bed, leaned next to daddy who was playing with a computer. Papa came in not too lon after, Mikado held onto his bunny daddy gave him. Daddy said that Mr.Usagi was scared of moles that came out of the ground.

"Still at work?" Papa asked daddy.

"I cannot crack something, it annoys me," Daddy said.

"What are you trying to do this time?"

"High classified information, if I can get though this about 78.2% of my life problems would be solved," Daddy said.

"Give it to rest," Papa said. "I'll cook something."

"Fine, ten minutes, then I'll be back," Daddy said. "Mika, do you want to go or stay?"

Mikado hugged Mr.Usagi tightly and laid on the pillows.

"I'll take that as a stay," daddy said. He kissed Mikado's forehead and left his laptop wide open. "Daddy would go and eat with papa for a while. It won't be long. Okay?"

Mikado nodded and hugged on Mr.Usagi.

When papa and daddy left Mikado stared at the laptop and looked at Mr.Usagi. He smiled and looked at the laptop screen again. He put Mr.Usagi on one side and tried to life the laptop so he could see it more properly.

"Come on, wake up and play with me~!" Mikado chirped as he tapped on a few keys.

"Little bunny hops on a meadow,
Hop, hop, hop, three times!"

Mikado rapidly pressed a few more while singing.

"Saw a mole out of it's hole,
Bunny gets a big fright!
Runs on a back of a tree-"

A warning system page then opened on the screen.

"Bunny leaned to the side,
Mole peeks out of it's hole!"

There was a ding, and another page appeared.

"Ding dong~! Hello Mr.Usagi!"

Mikado smiled and hugged his bunny. The door opened widely, with papa and daddy came running in. Mikado was confused. What's wrong? He just fixed the laptop. He didn't do anything else wrong...

"Mika, what were you doing?!" Papa asked.

"I fixed it," Mikado said, trying to turn away.

"Fixed it?"

Daddy took his laptop and stared widely at the screen. "This is... how did they did not detect and reject the access?! I tried everything I can and what I know inside the book! So why was there a granted access when the code I typed was wrong? It was already claimed impossible for a human being to- unless.." Daddy looked at Mikado with a weird face. "Mikado, did you fixed this?"

Mikado nodded.

Daddy and papa looked at him weirdly again, their eyes widen. Did he do something wrong?

"Mika..." Daddy said. "Could you show me how you fixed it?"

Daddy put the laptop near him. Why did daddy break it again? Mikado put his bunny next to him and repeated what he had done.

"Come on, wake up and play with me~!

Little bunny hops on a meadow,

Hop, hop, hop, three times!

Saw a mole out of it's hole,

Bunny gets a big fright!

Runs to the back of a tree-

Bunny leans to the side,

Mole peeks out of his hole~"


"Din dong, hello Mr.Usagi!"


Izaya stared at his son for a while. Of course he did, his son just broke the mole! How could a five year old hack into a national system like it was nothing?!

"Mika-baby, where did you learned that?" Izaya asked the blue eyed boy.

"Okaa-san had a computer, she told me not to play it but I did because I wanted to," Mikado said innocently.

Shizuo fell on the bed, followed by Izaya who sat on the edge with Mikado on his lap.

"Izaya," Shizuo called.


"Did you ever thought of raising a five year old professional hacker?"

"No, I didn't," Izaya said, "Mikado brought a lot of surprises doesn't he? But either way, he's still our sweet Mika."

Mikado's Secret [Durarara Fanfic] [Yaoi] {BXB}Where stories live. Discover now