The Chance

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Masaomi hadn't recovered from his shock. Mikado was the Dollars leader. The Dollars. The most dangerous group in Ikebukuro. Mikado was already son of the two most dangerous men in Ikebukuro and to know that he was a leader of the most dangerous online gang. Mind fried.

"Sorry for not telling you," Mikado said.

"No it's okay," Masaomi said. "And sorry about the trouble I caused you last year. And for shooting your dad."

"Papa hasn't forgive you. But I always thought of it in the past, and now it stays there," Mikado said.

"So... what are you going to do now?" Masaomi asked.

"Hm? Live my life as a normal student but I won't mind to get my identity exposed to the normal members of Dollars," Mikado told. "Masaomi, yesterday was my deadline for hiding myself. I broke a promise. And now I'm here, showing you what is normal to me."

"I guess you and I don't have a lot in common," Masaomi said. "But then we are both leaders of the most dangerous gangs in Ikebukuro."

"I guess it seemed fair," Mikado said. "You're going to stay the night with me."

"Why?" Masaomi asked.

"Because you need to know me more, but just for the night," Mikado said.

Behind them, Kasuka laughed because of their conversation. "Seriously Mika-chan, you are weird. I guess both of you are."

"Uncle Kasuka..." Mikado sighed. "If we were normal in the first place, we would never even know each other. And I am sure papa would kill you before anything else."

"Who? Me?" Kasuka said. "I didn't do anything wrong."


"Don't worry, I have the perfect bribe item."

"By the way, Mikado, what do you meant about 'explosions', before we left?" Masaomi asked, still curious.

"Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me," Mikado took out his phone and pressed the call button.


"My work is done."


"I'm back, and I brought uncle Kasuka," Mikado said.

The three went into the room. Anri had went home to finish some unfinished homework.

"Oh, you're back! And your brought the brat too," Izaya said. "Oh, hi Kasuka!"

"Kasuka!" Shizuo yelled as he jumped from the staircase. "You have an explanation to do!"

Mikado turned to Masaomi, "Let's go and sit for a while."

"You stole my pudding!" Shizuo said.

"It was the last cup," Kasuka said.

"That's why it was important!" Shizuo yelled.

"Oh well, it was good," Kasuka said.

"You have to pay it back!"

"I will," he took out his bag and showed it full of pudding. "I stole it when I was kidnapped."

Behind them, Mikado was calmly drinking tea and Masaomi tried to get comfortable with what he saw. Heiwajima Shizuo was over protective of pudding? Did not expected him to be a sweet tooth.

"Baka, you think you could bribe me with a criminal's pudding?!"

"It won't work?" Kasuka said, still emotionless. "Then I guess I have to give you something else." He searched his bag and tried to reach for something. That 'something' was a document. He handed it over to the couple who took it and opened the folder.

"It hasn't been published to markets yet, but I guess I took a copy earlier and show it to you," Kasuka said. "Take care of it though, that thing could worth millions or billions to me."

Izaya's eyes widen when he saw the magazine, "This is..."

"Also I included other shots inside the magazine, so I would consider it limited edition," Kasuka said.

"Kasuka," Shizuo said. "You are forgiven for every pudding you stole from me if we have full ownership of this magazine."

"Sure. Besides it's not everyday you could see Mika in those clothes."

In the background, Mikado choked on air. No... don't tell him... Mikado leaned forward and blushed crimson, he ran there as fast as he could and tried to snatch the magazine away. Tried, he still cannot match the speed and strength of his parents, especially both of them combined.

The front page... it was him in girl's Raira uniform! Plus his pose was... ARGH!

"Give me that!" Mikado yelled his face redder than a tomato.

"Sorry Mika-baby, we cannot let you have this," Izaya said. "It seemed that this thing could possibly be considered inappropriate."

"But daddy!" Mikado whined. He was speechless - he didn't said anything. He jumped back to the couch and buried his face on Masaomi's shoulder. "Masaomi, lend me your shoulder for a moment."

"U-um, o-okay..."

"Can you give me a pen?"

"No can do Mikado!"


"I heard my brother-in-law gave you a chance," Izaya said as he approached Masaomi from behind. "Mika is not pure but at the same time innocent. He does not know about your obvious fall for him. So bear with him and don't try to force him into it."

Masaomi blinked. The balcony was windy at night, trying to clear his mind would had to pause. "Okay. But I still have a question for you. About you and Shizuo. If you're a couple, then why are you guys fighting and wreck half of the city?"

"What? Never seen a couple having a little argument?"

"I won't consider it as 'little' though," Masaomi deadpanned. "About Mikado. He resembles you so much."

"And so you've noticed," Izaya said. "The mental part is the major part in our life. I am what you call a bit insane, I guess he inherited that and Shizuo's strength and temper."

"Never seen him broke out and lift a table before," Masaomi said.

"He has better control," Izaya said. "You saw what he did with a pen. Mikado's strength could match Shizuo if he trains but he rather go to the cyber world. The skills he inherited didn't went to waste though... Listen up, Kida-kun, you're going to be involved with Heiwajima-Orihara Mikado here, and let me tell you this: I'll give you a chance like Kasuka did, prove me that you can save him from any danger, physically, mentally and in other sorts. Mikado isn't defenseless but he needs someone."

Izaya paused. "Someone who understand him far better then his parents, understand his lives quicker than anyone else. Keep my son safe and you may or may not have my approval to date him. But as I said, don't force him, he is too innocent to realise. He's not dense just oblivious. We don't want you to die because what you did in the alleyway, will we?"

"Is this... a part of your game?"

"I don't play games on my family, Kida. I am not heartless as you think. Shizuo and Mikado were the first ones to know me for the better. I don't play games on Mikado, but I play games with him. He is good on keeping you and Sanohara alive through the shadows on the board. My son's safety is my top priority. So do we have a deal?"

"Do I have to sign a contract or something?" Masaomi said, agreeing to his terms.

"Depends, do you have a death wish?"

Mikado's Secret [Durarara Fanfic] [Yaoi] {BXB}Where stories live. Discover now