The Kouhai

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School had started, the Raira Trio had went back to school like in the normal days. Without their own notice, there were rumours. Mikado as always, did not care about them. At least they did not question why one of the class rep hadn't been in school for almost a week.

Friday was one of his hated days. He doesn't know why -- maybe because it was the day when the teachers gave him so much homework that he will forget to do to keep an eye on the Crystal Royale. That organization itself was already under the government but even they were uncontrollable by the majors.

The Crystal Royale was an assassination group of some sorts. The one that separates them from everything else was that the Crystal Royale was controlled by one big family. The Hagane. It's rare to hear that name nowadays so if he heard there was a Hagane in his school he would notice already. Dollars' alliance with them had gave him a free out of jail ticket for the rest of his life. If the Royale commanded it, Dollars would never be arrested for any crime.

Of course, the main advantage was so he does not have to do some dirty work if his parents were caught. Now they would never be caught since the government had told the police to not arrest them.

"Yo Mikado, ready to go home?" Masaomi asked.

"Yeah, I think the teachers gave us too much homework," Mikado said.

"I know right! Hey, should we start a protest?" Masaomi said loudly.

"Masaomi!" Mikado scolded.

"Ryuugamine-kun," Yuuya shouted from the front door. "There's someone to see you!"

Masaomi and Anri looked at him and Mikado shrugged. "Just wait in front of the gates," the Dollars leader told. "This would be quick."

"Hm, okay, but if you are not with us for more than ten minutes I will capture you!" Masaomi said. "Well, let's go Anri!"


Mikado looked at the person in front of him. He looked like a middle schooler but he was wearing a Raira uniform. He never saw this student before, not even during the entrance ceremony.

"Wah, I finally get to meet you Ryuugamine-senpai!" ha said excitedly.

Mysterious joy and excitement. Tone was a bit off, forced. It was not obvious. That smile and everything could be considered real. He had good acting skills, he could fool a lot of people with those talents. His strong point was his manipulative nature even if he doesn't seemed like it. Yes, he had the good potential to fool a hundred of people.

But not good enough to fool him.

This kid... he needed a lot to learn. If he couldn't fool Masaomi then he would not be fooling him anytime soon.

"And you are...?"

"Ah, I am Kuronuma Aoba. I just transferred a few days ago," he said. "A kouhai!"


"I see, why do you want to meet me?"

"Ryuugamine-senpai, you're-" he looked to the left and right then whispered, "You're a Dollars member aren't you?"

"W-what? I don't know-"

"Last time during the meeting, I saw you."

So he did.

"I finally see a Dollars member up close!" He whisper shouted.

"Well... a lot of people are from Dollars in Ikebukuro. If you want to know," Mikado said.

"Oh yeah, I have a request! I am new here so... could you give me a tour?!"


Masaomi frowned, Mikado was gone for five minutes. Yes, he knew he said ten minutes but he couldn't be more curious. He tried to find the window outside his classroom and took out a pair of binoculars.

"Kida-kun, what are you doing?" Anri asked.

"Shush..." Masaomi said. He looked like a stalker, yes, but if he couldn't ensure his best friend soon to be boyfriend's safety like he promised to Izaya who was also his soon to boyfriend's father there would never be a boyfriend in the first place. Who knows what would happen if he failed. He was talking to... a middle schooler...?

Why would a middle schooler wear a Raira uniform?

That kid. He was acting. It was good but wasn't good enough to fool someone who had experience with con-artists and also life and death situations. If that kid couldn't fool him, surely he couldn't fool Mikado.

Mikado came a few moments later, good thing he had hid those binoculars in his bag.

"So, who was it?" Masaomi asked as if he didn't know. It was half truth.

Mikado shoved his hand into the blond's bag, taking out the binoculars. "I saw you from up there you know. It was a kouhai, his name is Kuronuma Aoba, just transferred here and also he is part of Dollars."

Masaomi looked at him, "So did you tell him about your role?"

"No, I didn't," Mikado said. "You saw him, he was acting."

"Course he did," Masaomi sighed. "What does he want anyway? For one his name is suspicious."

"Hey, daddy thought my original name sounded like an air conditioner," Mikado deadpanned. "But yeah, he's suspicious. He thought he could toy me. He is trying to make me play a game I don't want to be a part in."

"What would you do?" Anri asked.

"I think I should investigate him," Mikado sighed. "Never heard his name before. Never know him before. Oh yeah, that reminds me, he wanted a city tour."

"A tour?" Anri asked.

"Could you both come? I know the city every inch and road on the map but... most of my destination spots are graveyards of people or soon to be graveyards for people," Mikado admitted.

"I guess I can help you," Masaomi said. "Besides, a suspicious kouhai. No way we would leave you alone with him."

Anri was silent before she spoke up, "Honestly I don't know a lot of Ikebukuro too but I think we all know who to ask."

"Hm, who?" Both gang leaders said at the same time.

"Walker and Erika."

Mikado's Secret [Durarara Fanfic] [Yaoi] {BXB}Where stories live. Discover now