Special #5: Colorful Kingdoms (AU)

Start from the beginning

"Shut up Ryota."
"Excuse me Prince Seijuro but can you tell Prince Ryota to lower down his voice." I asked kindly. He looked at me and was about to say something about ordering again (I bet) when he noticed my pained expression.

"Ryota. That's enough. Ytrea here is having a grey headache. Let's just walk to Yreaf." Seijuro said.
"I'm so sorry su~!"

We saw the port and rode the ship. It will take about two days to get there since Yreaf is just a BIT far. Once we rode it, I fetched my pack and drank two herbs to lessen the ache and luckily, it worked.

"Now that's more like it." I sighed and looked at the deck. It was awfully quiet and it made my senses tingle. Something's wrong.



A sharp poisoned arrow flew past me and as luck was on my side, I was able to dodge it in time. 'Damn. Mnemosy would kill me for this.' Shouting, I quickly alerted the princes.

"Get your swords! We're under attack!"

Using my staff, I made a wind barrier to protect us. The ship was wrecked by five people. Two women and three men. They were wearing some dark clothes. Is black now a fashion here? Wow... Keeping myself away from distraction, I willed my staff to change to my favorite spear.

"Time to get down to business."

I slashed the first man's arm and it actually bled black. Smoke was also oozing out of it. It was dripping and surprisingly, it melted the floor! Poisonous and made of chemical. Gotta be careful on this one then.

"Be extra careful with their blood please. Try to finish them off without spurting even one." My warning came too late when Prince Daiki slashed the men into two. Blood oozed out and slowly breaks the ship. Shit!

"Seijuro, Ryota! The ship is starting to sink." They were both charming the other two. A special gift might I say. With their eyes, they can control anyone. The girls whined at them going but what surprised me was that they just killed them mercilessly. They're strong and they have the power to bring justice down to the misjudged ones. Sharrar will like these three.

"There's an extra boat here! Let's go!" Daiki said. We didn't waste any more time before going to the said boat. It was enough to take us there but considering what happened, I have to use a spell.

"Leviria Entegrida."

The water rippled before taking us to our destination with such fleeting speed. My brother and sister were already used to this when we travel so it was much easy but now that there are people, it will bring more headache. Again.

"You're not just a simple magician are you Ytrea? A Sacrea perhaps?" It didn't suprise me that Prince Seijuro already knew what kind of person I was. Glancing back at them, I just smiled and contacted the two but there was no answer.

"Is there any problem Ytrea?" Ryota asked. I shook my head and sped up towards our destination. It will take about three to four hours with this speed but that also means that I will be wasting some Erif (a magical essence).

*Mnemosy's POV*

We were walking past a town called Halio when a bunch of bandits blocked our way. They were pretty ragged and ugly if you ask me. Just then, their leader attacked us but Prince Murasakibara blocked it with his sword lazily. Even Prince Midorima was ready and just dodged them effortlessly. I could say that they look like dancers to me by now. Specifically, sword dancers. Pretty cool if I say so myself.

"You're gonna pay for that! Hurrah!" One of the bandit shouted before aiming his spear to my face. It was predictable so I just dodged it and punched his stomach. I hate spilling blood after all 'cause it gets my clothes dirty and smelly. After about half or less than thirty minutes of fighting, we proceed to our destination which was Yreaf.

"Are we near yet Mnemo-chin?"

"About two hours again because of those bandits."

"This is starting to get annoying nanodayo." The green-haired prince exclaimed. It is getting annoying somehow.

~Time skip~

We finally reached Yreaf and it looks like we're the first one to get here. I tried to contact Sharrar and Ytrea but it looks like something is preventing me to do so. A barrier perhaps. I need to destroy that barrier then.

"Haliot Yerefa." That should do it. About a minute of calling, Sharrar got my message and told me that they are nearing the border.

"They should be coming by now your highness. Ytria and the others will come by another hour or so."

"That's reasonable considering this climate and the terrain nanodayo."

"I only wish that Aka-chin or Ryo-chin brought some sweets. I am starving." The purple giant said as he munched on an apple and watermelon.

*Sharrar's POV*

"Vryia, the borders are near here. We should speed up a little." I said as the ride picked up its pace. Vryia(Tetsuya) tried to tell me something but I was already far away to even hear a thing. Just then, the ground shook and I slid down harshly. In front of me was a giant plant. A poisonous hyacinth! This is bad! I tried to use my magic but it looks like I am out of Erif.

"Sharrar! Hold on to this rope!" I searched for Vryia's voice before grabbing the voice. Huffing, I took out some medicine to replenish Erif forcefully. It will damage my body but I know that it will be useful. I gotta do this.


"Let me at it now, Vryia! Sharyla Haliop!" It burned the hyacinth to ashes before I lose footing and fell harshly to the desert floor.

"Sharrar! You shouldn't have forced yourself too much. I can protect us."

"I know but I need to protect you."

"I will protect you. Rest for a while."

"Night Tetsuya." Those were the last words I uttered before losing consciousness.

*Vryia Tetsuya's POV*

We were nearing the border now and Sharrar was still unconscious. I guess using magic really depleted her to the bones. She looked so peaceful as she rests. Not the face full of worry and alertness. This one was serene and angelic.

"Sleep well. You deserve it and you shouldn't force yourself too much Sharrar-san." I kissed her forehead lightly before speeding up the ride. By an hour or so, we reached Yreaf and to my surprise the other princes were already there along with two anonymous people. They look a bit similar to Sharrar. Once they spotted us, Akashi-kun stepped in and greeted me which I returned with the same respect along with the others. The two people behind them were introduced as Ytria and Mnemosy. They said that Sharrar is their little sister and quickly, checked her. By transferring some Erif to her, she finally stirred up.

"Vryia? Wait...Ytria and Mnemosy! H-How...? Was I asleep for that long?"

"Yes, Sharrar. You exhausted your body and I can see that you forced yourself to take on an extra boost to your Erif forcefully." She laughed nervously before assuring them that she was alright and that there's nothing to worry about.

"We should introduce ourselves to all of them then, Ytria. The time has come." Sharrar suggested. The other two just nodded before standing up altogether.

"Princes of the Six Kingdoms lead long ago by the most loyal, respected, strong and justified rulers. We are the Blessed Children also known as the Sacrea. We will bestow upon you the power of the kings and you shall use this to lead the world to its righteous place."

"I am Sharrar, the Sacrea of Emotions."

"Ytria of Knowledge."

"And I am Mnemosy, the Sacrea of Conscious and Conviction."

"We will accompany you to the great palace of Sacrea. Iurandim."

=To be continued=

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