"That guy sitting on the corner over their looked like he killed some and is eating them for lunch."Thalia commented; waiting for Jason to laugh.

She gave him a punch on his should that barely fazed him. "Hey! Isn't this your favorite place to eat at, 'hence the fact it smells like dog shit outside'? You haven't said a word."

"I'm just really hungry," Jason mumbled.

"More like grumpy." Thalia murmured. "School was a hellhound today. You know that teacher I was talking about yesterday? That big buff lady with a hunting spear in her classroom? God, she is so annoying. Today, she told me to get up in front of the class and right their, talk about how a disturbance I was. Not even kidding. After that to show how an 'imbecile little brat I am', she made me stay after class and sweep her floors. And during all that, Zoe-" She said her name like it were a curse. "-wouldn't stop telling me how awesome she is and that I'm a piece of crap for being so mean to her."

Thalia rolled her eyes. "All I did was pour orange juice on one of her plants. No one told me they would die." Then, she frowned. "And  turn my head away from her whenever I answered a question. Fine, I'm a total arsehole but that women earned it."

Jason took a sip of his milkshake. "I think you should give her a chance. She isn't a bad lady. Try looking at her perspective."

"I don't give a bleeping shit about her," Thalia rubbed the him of her nose. "Hey, sorry about that. I'm just a little upset. How's school for you going? I found your grades in the mail. They're really good. Well, better than I ever got."

Jason couldn't help but smile. "Thanks."

"Anything cool happen at school?" Thalia raised in eyebrow.

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Besides that, nothing really happened today, unlike your day. that is filled with you just testing the teacher's patience." Jason grinned." I just can't compete."

"How are your friends?"

"Hazel got the highest grade in my class and Frank's going to China for spring break. Oh, Reyna won state championship in Track."

Thalia sipped her milkshake. "What about you?"

"I'm just Jason." He grinned. Then, his smile disappeared and was replaced with a stern frown. 

"How's mom?"

Thalia rolled her eyes. "Can we not talk about her for once? I hate her so much! One of these days, I'm going to run away and never look back."

Jason looked down at his burger.

"Jason, I'm sorry."

"It's fine. You're going to college soon anyways."

"Crap, thanks for making me feel ten times worse."

"You're exaggerating."

"You're obnoxious."

"Ha, you're just jealous you're not as smart as me."

"Jealous? Dream on four-eyes!" Thalia taunted.

Jason adjusted his glasses

"I'm not the one with blue hair."

Thalia brushed a stand of her hair,quickly. 

"At least I have a social life."

Jason's chin shook with frustration.

"There's a party this weekend. I'm going."

"Chandler Plaza am I right?" Thalia scoffed. "Like you'd be invited."

Jason frowned, averting his eyes.

"Yeah, I got invited."

"Fine." Thalia crossed her arms. "Let's see if you'll go or not."

There was no way out of this. Jason knew that. 



Both of them glared at one another before laughing.

The time ticked in the clock. It was getting close to Nine and they would have to leave soon shortly if they were going to make it back home before their mom came. Who knows what would happen if she came home, drunk and worn out from a day of work just to find both her children missing and the house empty? 

A waiter already started to clean the vacant tables, wiping off the bits of crumbs and food left behind. Another waiter started to wipe the tile floors with a broom. Jason was already finished with his burger and milkshake. Thalia was almost completed with hers while Jason savored his drink.

"Should we go now?" Jason whispered; leaning over so people around them could hear.

She frowned. "Yeah, let me just leave a tip."

Thalia placed a five dollar bill on the table and the two of them left. Jason glanced around the place before a pair of blue eyes met his. He was an old man. Jason couldn't help a shiver pass through him as the man took a big bite from his burger, and looked away quickly.



He knew his mother wasn't like other movies and he knew there was kids who had mother like him. Jason didn't no if it was selfish of him to hate his mother so much either way. He sat down silently on the couch as Thalia did her homework, cursing repeating times as she re-erased her answer repeated times for the past hour. Jason blocked his hearing and tried to ignore the noise in the kitchen were his mother was. 

She was talking to herself again, muttering words and taking sips from her spoiled drink. His mother had always been like that. Jason wondered if his sister would come out to be like her. He shook the thought. His mother was totally different case. Thalia would never be like her.

There was school tomorrow. Unlike other kids, Jason enjoyed school. His friends were amazing and he wasn't failing any of his classes. Thalia was the opposite of him barely managing to make it through the year. It was because she was ADHD. Thalia couldn't focus and had trouble listening to people. She used to joke about it but she didn't these days. 

"I cannot understand this." Thalia said; raking her hands through her hair in frustration. "Too many numbers."

Jason glanced over at her paper and raised in eyebrow. He didn't mean to judge his sister but he couldn't help it. What did she mean? This was so simple. He took the paper from Thalia's hand and eyed the paper more clearly with his two pair of magical mirrors.

"This is simple," He slapped the paper with his hand. "Hey, I can help you if you want?"

She glared at him and snatched it. "I don't need your help."

Confusion filled him. Why was his sister acting like a jerk all of a sudden? He rolled his eyes and folded his arms.

"Fine whatever," He mumbled.

She was probably on her period or something. 

~Coming Up~

 Reyna VII

Other Side Of The Closet [Percy Jackson Fanfiction] •Jiper•Where stories live. Discover now