Catching Up On Things

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"Wow Ben. You really can't keep quiet when I'm stitching." I said in a teasing voice.

Ben kept moving and was groaning in pain the entire time. "Well you weren't better than me." Ben said rolling his eyes.

"Really? Ben I haven't even began to patch myself up." I said.

Ben pulled me closer with his good arm. "I missed you." He whispered.

"I missed you too. But come on, help me or I will die." I said pulling back and getting the things for my wound.

"Like you could ever die! Hope, you escaped death many times!" Ben exclaimed.

I ignored him and put the supplies on the bed. I didn't sit down because it would hurt with what I'm about to do.
Ben seemed to notice because he stood up and was about to stop me. He was too late.

I just pulled out the arrow, not caring of the pain or the blood that was coming out. Ben looked at me worried, but I just gave a weak smile to show that I'm okay.

"Hope, let me help." Ben said making me sit down. "I need to..."

"Yeah I know. Don't worry I got extra clothes." I said.

Ben nodded and ripped the hole, where the arrow went threw, bigger. Basically my entire thigh was visible. Ben smiled and I just ignored him.

"Get on with it and look away." I said smirking.

Ben laughed and got the supplies to clean, bandage, and then some thing so I can bite on.


"You actually can control yourself during a time like that." Ben said wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Yeah whatever. Now pass me my other clothes. Over on the table." I said pointing to a small table in the corner where I got some clothes ready.

Ben walked over there and picked up the clothes. Instead of handing them to me, he threw them at me. I caught them but glared at him.

"You know after being gone for an entire year and coming back, you aren't that happy." I said getting up but only fell back down.

"You need help with changing?" Ben asked, a smirk appearing on his face.

"You know what, yes I do. May you please help?" I asked.

Ben nodded and walked over to me. But before he could help me with taking off my jacket I grabbed his shoulder, because since he didn't have a shirt on, I couldn't grab his collar.

"Don't try anything stupid Ben. I'm tired as it is." I warned and Ben proceeding to help me.

About 5 minutes later

"Ben! How didn't you know how to put on a shirt?!" I asked trying not to laugh.

"Well, actually your 'shirt' is a tank top so I didn't know where your arms go through." Ben said chuckling.

I shook my head and laughed again. "You thought that the place where my arms were supposed to be, go where my legs were!"

I laughed so hard and Ben joined me. Soon, everyone came in and they looked worried.

"What happened?" Jessica asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing. Just that Ben here," I said pointing to Ben, "Can't figure out how to put on my tank top!"

I chuckled and fell back on my bed. "So, we were thinking that maybe we could catch up on things over the last year. We made a fire." Mike said.

"Yeah sure. I mean I didn't do anything that interesting but if you say so." I replied and followed them outside to the fire.

We sat down on some logs, but me and Ben sat down on the grass. "Who is going first?" I asked.

"Well, you could go." Emily said to me.

"Alright. I woke up in the bed you guys left me at. I found that bastard James alive downstairs-" I was cut off by Ben.

"He was still alive?!" Ben's voice held anger.

"Yes, but I killed him. Don't worry. Anyways, I found Raspberry outside and I just went on from there. I found this cottage and fixed it up a bit with supplies from the town."

"I went back to what I've been doing and that's how I lived. I mean during all that time, I got hurt of course. Arrows, blades, but nothing important. I always won either way so yeah."

"But today was not my day. And if you guys didn't show up... I would be dead. So thank you guys so much. I can't believe I got caught, just I can't believe it."

"And now, they have made guns! How do we go again that? But anyways, yeah not much has happened to me during the year. Now tell me about you guys. What has happened?" I asked.

Dante actually spoke up first. "Well this first thing we are gonna tell you isn't good." Dante said looking sad.

I already began to worry. "Dante, what happened?" I asked.

"Hope... We..." Dante couldn't find the words.

"Just tell me." I said growing impatient.

Dante opened his mouth but Ben cut him off.

"Hope, we found David, dead."

Short chapter I know, but it's hard thinking of something right now. Anyways thanks for reading. We have reached 275 read! Yayyyyy! Not much but it means a lot to me! Thank you so much.

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