Human? And Relationships

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I reached the bottom floor to see Jessica and Emily smiling at me. "Hey so the game is about to start." Said Jessica. "Let's go." Said Emily opening the door that lead outside to the garden. I smile back and go outside. I remember what Emily said and look up at the sky. The sun was almost at the horizon. "It's about time that we get our bracelets and weapons." Jessica said with a smirk. Weapons?! "Wait!Wait, wait, wait. You mean I'm gonna use MY weapons for this?!" I asked shocked. "That right. This is the time you can use all your weapons. But! You can't really kill anyone here." Said Cindy coming up behind me and giving me a scare. I just smiled like an idiot. I haven't used my weapons in a long time. "Anyways, let's go catch up with everybody else." Emily said pointing towards the back of the garden near the woods. So we all walked over there, talking about how each of them at least won one game, but I wasn't paying attention. 'Should I leave? No I couldn't. They helped me.' I think. "What do you think Hope?" Jessica asks snapping me out of my thoughts. "I'm s-sorry what?" I ask in confusion. "Do you think you gonna win this game?" Jessica responds pointing at me. "I haven't thought about winning anything. I don't think I will though." I said answering their question. "Of course your gonna win! Your the best out of all of us! Probably better than Ben!" Exclaimed Emily. "Who I think really likes you..." Cindy said poking me. I could tell I was blushing. I wanted to ask "Does he really?", but I couldn't force myself to do it. "Can we not talk about that. I mean aren't we all just friends here? Let's continue walking." I said walking faster. They all shrugged and caught up with me. We finally reached the back of the garden near the woods. "Hey there you guys are! Come on let's get you guys your weapons." Laurence said pulling all of us to a small bench. There were literally so many weapons! I couldn't find mine though, I kinda got scared that they weren't gonna let me use them. "Looking for these?" I turn around and see Ben holding my weapons. 'Why do I always find him like this?' "Why yes I am." I said. "Wait. Emily do you know where are my belts?" I ask turning around. To my surprise she already had them in her hand ready to give them to me. I took them and said,"Thank you." First I put on my pocket holder for my dagger on my right thigh. Then I put the one for my bow on my back. "Catch!" I hear Ben say. I look over at him and he throws my dagger at me. I caught it in between my fingers. That actually surprises him for a second. I quickly slip it in its holder. Then he throws my bow with my sheath of arrows. I catch my bow in my right hand and my sheath in my left. I carefully put my bow on my back attached to the belt and the sheath next to it. I try to pull out an arrow but my hair is in the way. "Daisy? Can I put my hair back in a ponytail?" I ask walking over to her. She nods and gives me a rubber band. I take it and make my ponytail. When I'm done I push my bangs to the right so now I look like I did before. Now I try to pull out an arrow and it works. I also take out my bow and aim for an apple on the tree that Ben is leaning on. I shoot and the apple falls down. I'm shocked when Ben sticks out his left hand and catches the apple. "Nice." I say walking over to him and take the apple. I bite it and walk away. "You need to teach me how to shoot an a bow like that." Ben says. I turn around still chewing. "Well maybe tomorrow." I respond and walk away again. 'I'm gonna give lessons to Ben!'  I'm so excited inside but outside I'm calm. "Alright! 15 minutes left and I'm gonna explain the rules!" Yelled David. My heart is beating faster every minute, I don't know it I can do this. I don't even know how but Jennifer knows exactly what I'm feeling and comes up to me. "You'll do fine, no wait you'll do terrible. You might die, okay. And then when you die, I will be forever with Ben and you. Hope you really do break a leg-shit I said your name!" Said Jennifer cussing cause she said my name and walking away. 'Ben? I don't know if what I feel for him is real or no. I can't stay here. But I can't leave these people alone. My friends who saved. No, leave Hope. Run. Your not normal. Your not human. Just leave me alone. Everybody body leave me alone!' My emotions go wild and I yell I front of everybody. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I say and hold my both hands in the sides of my head. Everybody turns and stares at me. "Just leave me alone... Leave me alone..." I start repeating over and over again. "Hope? You need to calm down. Here let me take you inside." Says Emily. I shake my head violently. "Hope let us help. What's wrong?" Asks Jessica clearly worried about me. I can't take it anymore. 'Everyone here hates me! They hate me. They hate me!'  My mind isn't working correctly. I try to push it away but I can't. "They hate me! They hate me!" I scream. "Hope?! Hope?!" Yells Dante. 'What's wrong with me? What happening to me?' I can't take it anymore. 'Run'. And so I do. I turn around sharply and take a run for it. "Goddammit! Hope! Get her!" I can't make out the voice. I head straight into the woods dodging every tree in my way. 'Turn back Hope. Turn back...' It's the voice. The voice that always gives me advice. 'Don't listen to her little one. Run!' Yells another voice in my head that I've never heard. It's evil. "STOP! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I scream. I didn't see where I was going and I hit a tree. My head hurts, my shoulders ache from that. I get up, barely seeing where I'm going. Until, someone tackles me from behind. They pin me to the floor and I can see them. It's Ben. 'Of course it has to be him.' I think. I try to push him off me, but he's to strong. I struggle and struggle, but I'm getting tired every second I'm there. I'm about fall asleep when a rock hits me hard in the head.

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