Finding A Home

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As I walk through the woods, I find a river and drink it. When I'm done I lean on a tree and think what I will do next. Then memories fill my mind. Burning houses, people dying, and me just standing there. I fall asleep dreaming of those things. When I wake up, I hear a voice off in the distance. It's just like whispers so I follow them. I come across a circle made out of leaves with a dagger in the middle. It had a blue flame on the blade and the grip said Hope. My name! Then out of nowhere, a bow falls from the sky with arrows. The bow had fire flames all over it and the arrows were all black. I immediately took the weapons. I thought I will get out of this and move on. And so I did.
3 years past and I'm running again. I'm 15 and living a life of crimes. After finding the weapons, I stole more and more and ran to a new village. I stole clothes; a black tank top with a red leather jacket and blue jeans. I stole a bandanna and put it on to hide my face. I wear a ponytail with bangs. My hair is dark black. And my eyes are a light shade if grey. I'm running from the police right now. I run towards the trees and climb one. After years of experience I began to learn how to use the weapons and be more flexible. I wait out for the police to leave and begin to walk to a new village. I take off the bandanna. I take in a piece of candy I stole from a kid. After 4 days I find a very big village. I think that I might just take a break and look for a home. I find that a small house is for sale and buy it off the lady for a gold necklace and rings. I'm about to go in when a hear a voice say,"That's private property." I turn around and see a blonde girl around 15 too. "I just bought this place." I say, shocked cause I never heard my voice in 2 years! "I'm sorry, I'm Cassandra or Cassie for short." Cassie says. "Hey um if you want we could hang out if your done unpacking?" Cassie asks. "I don't have anything with me besides my bow and dagger." I say pulling down my bandanna and showing my weapons. "Yeah well if your done settling in." She says looking at my dagger. "What's your name?" Cassie asks. I pull out my dagger, flip it in the air, catch it and hand it to her. "Hope." Cassie said. I nod taking my dagger back. I go in and she said that she will be near this lake. I say I will find her and hang out with her. I sit on the floor. I clean the blood of my dagger with my cloth and set it in front of me. I take the bow off my back and set it down too. I take a quick shower and think that I will head out and find Cassie to see if there is a food store around. I take my weapons and go out the door to find a man with a knife yelling at a women to give him the money. I pull out my dagger and sneak up behind the dude pulling up my bandanna up to my nose. I jump up on him, dagger to his neck and tell him to drop it. He says he's gonna hurt me. "Listen I just had a terrible 4 day walk here and ran my entire life exhausted. You really don't wanna see what I am capable of doing right now." I warn him. He drops the knife and turns around to punch me but I duck and hit him in the knee. He falls to the floor and I put my boot on his back saying,"You really need to quit it. I'm gonna go now. And you, try to be more careful near people like this." I tell the man and women. I put my dagger away in my pocket that ties around my right thigh. I walk towards the river where Cassie said she would be. I see her, but she's not alone. Two girls are throwing rocks at her and calling her names. Time to step up again I think. The dagger is too risky to use so I pull out my bow and one arrow. I aim for the girl with the blond hair. I shoot the arrow. It hits her bun making her fall in the river. The other blonde gets scared and stands there. I walk over there. "You really shouldn't do this to people, you know. Go and save your friend from the water unless you want to join her?" I say pointing another arrow at her. She screams frantically trying to help her friend out of the river. They both run away. "You okay Cassie?" I ask her helping her up. "Yeah, but I didn't know you could shoot that far with that bow." She says. "Well it takes practice. I just saved this woman getting robbed and now you." I explain. She laughs. "You know you won't be able to stop all the crimes here." She says. I nod, cause I know it's true. "Listen I'm also a person who makes crimes okay. Before coming here I was being chased by police. I steal and make a hit and run for it." I tell Cassie. She smiles. "You really amaze me Hope. First, your really pretty. Then your very really take your chances and your very smart." She tells me. I actually smile. I never smile, not since I was 4. "Come on. Do you know where we can get something to eat?" I ask.

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