I Run Again

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I live in a orphanage. I have no parents. In a dream I was told that I was not a person, but just a soul. A soul that will never stop fighting and is a very powerful soul.  My powerful traits will never leave me and my personality is to always be a fighter. I have always been thinking of this. I look in my mirror everyday and touch my face to see if I'm really human. Skin, blood, eyes everything like human. I had this other dream where a women told me that my life would change forever on the night of December 6. The woman also said that this date was my birthday. I always believed the woman. I guess I should start with my name. My name is Hope. I am only 12. I have been running my entire life. Since I learned to run actually. I used to live in a village and steal food and run. Steal money and run. But that was the past. I'm in an orphanage now where the older kids bully me. I get bullied because of my name. I'm not at all hopeful but I appeared on this doorstep with a  necklace that said Hope. No last name. One day I go out to the garden and rip the flower petals one at a time (I know it's weird but it calms me). I hear screams and look back; the orphanage is on fire. Screams fill the air, frantic nuns run around trying to put out the fires. I stand there, smiling. I think of every single one of children who bullied me burning and trapped. I think of my moment to run and get away. I climb the fence easily, even though I can't even run around the garden without getting tired. But I feel an adrenaline rush and the voice in my head "Run Hope. It's the only way out. Run" So I do. I am guided by the voice bringing me to the woods. I am tired and dirty. But I'm alive. I escaped. I ran again.

This is my first chapter. I think it's short but I will make the other ones longer. The topic of this was given to me by me friend. Please read her story, a demon with friends.

A Lifeless Soul (CURRENTLY EDITING) Where stories live. Discover now