Before The Game

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I wake up to hear a door opening and then closing. "Hey Hope. Your awake." Said Emily gently. I nod. "Okay so tomorrow is Friday and on Fridays we have these little games. And we set up for it. Tomorrow in the morning David is gonna pick the teams but since your new, you choose." Said Jessica taking off her shoes and sitting down on her bed. "Okay. But do we have to wear anything special for this?" I ask looking down at my clothes. "No we are only gonna wear bright bracelets that are the color of the team your in." Said Emily. "Yeah don't worry. About your clothes I mean. Daisy and Maddy really have almost everyone's clothes in a big closet." Said Jessica shrugging. I nod and smile. "Anyways, I can see that your tired. Go back to sleep, tomorrow is gonna be exhausting." Jessica said laying down on her bed. "I will go to bed." I said turning in my side where I can look out the window.

"Wake up Hope! Time to get ready!" Yelled Emily shaking me. "W-what? Ugggggnnn. Do I have to?" I ask putting the pillow over my head. "Yes! Now get up. We have to go get your clothes from Daisy and Maddy." Said Jessica poking me. So I'm very ticklish and so this woke me up. "O-okay stop. S-stop." I said to Jessica laughing. I got up and started walking down towards Daisy and Maddy's room. I knocked. I hope they're in here, great I just used my name. I smiled as Maddy opened the door. "Hey Hope. Come in we have your clothes right here." Said Maddy wearily. Clearly she just woke up. I walked inside and sat on Maddy's bed while she went to the closet and got my clothes for today. She handed me a very dark blue tank top with new black pants and said,"Just wear the same red jacket and boots. After you change your shirt and pants, bring the old ones to me. Okay? Now go, I have to wake up Daisy." She said looking at Daisy. I nodded and left the room. I got changed in the bathroom and brought back the old clothes to Maddy. I walked down to the garden. It was still dawn, so I decided to walk into the woods. I wish the leather jackets they gave me would button up or zip up because its cold. I walk deeper into the woods and just sing my favorite song that remember when I was little.
I was all you thought you ever needed, so you said
How'd I let this slip away
On the floor cold and barley breathing, sleeping all my dreams away, till you found me
Like a lightning bolt to the heart you woke me up, woke me up
Yeah you brought me outta the dark with just one spark
Just one spark
Now I can feel your pulse kick start in this lifeless soul
Like a lightning bolt to the heart
you woke me up, woke me uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupp
*This is where music comes on*
I was all you thought you ever needed so you said
How'd the hell did I let this slip away
How I lost myself
I was stumbling right on the edge
You pulled me back
For one last dance
Yeah, I was lost on the darkest road
I need your light to lead me home
Now I can feel your pulse kick start in this lifeless soul
Like a lightning bolt to the heart
You woke me up, woke me up
Can you feel me, like I feel you
Can our hearts still be together
This is our time, don't you waste it
We could sing this song forever!
(This song goes to the rightful owner)

I felt as if I let go of all these emotions in my heart after u sang that! I almost jump when Zohar in the distance my name.
"Hope! Hope!" I think Jessica was calling me. I walk out of the woods and look over at Jessica. I look over her shoulder and see that everybody is behind her. "I-I'm right h-here." I stutter. "You had us worried. We thought someone took you or you ran away, at least Jennifer said that." Said Nancy quickly hugging me. I tried to slowly push her away, I'm that very big fan of hugs. She backed away and smiled. "Anyways, we k ow it's morning but David is gonna get us into our teams for tonight since today is Frid-" Emily was saying before Steven said,"Friday! Yeah come with me! We can obviously win if we're together!" He was like pulling me down to him, cause I was taller than him, and like al it's trying to kiss me! "Uhh. I think I can pick myself, but thank you." I slowly said as I backed away. "Can I please hear the teams David?" I ask looking towards him. "Oh yeah. Okay so team one is Nancy, Cindy, Kemberly, Jessica, and Emily." I nod as I look over and see them huddling in a group smiling. "Group two is Ben, Maddy, Mike, Dante, and Hope. Well Hope would you actually like to be in this group?" David asks me looking up from the paper. "I guess. Yeah sure." I state as I see my team get together but I stay where I am. "Group three. Travis, Christian, Steven, Daisy, and Laurence. Group four is me, Jennifer, Alex." David says as he looks at all of us. "Okay so I chose you guys to be together because of your skill or skills. Group one is the people that can move quick and are very hard to catch. Group two your like the strongest and a little smart. Hope and Ben. You guys have everything from all the groups. You have everything needed but I decided to just put you guys in the string group. Both of you are actually the special ones. You guys have made the most changes since you arrived! Congrats! But anyways. Group three, you guys really cooperate good with each other and are also one of the hardest to catch. And as for me, Jennifer, and Alex. Well let's just say we're the best." David says. I smile and then laugh a little. Ben looks at me from where he is, across the tree from me, I blush. My mind is a mess, I keep on blushing until Maddy pulls me. "Yay we're on the same team." She says as I smile. "Yup." Is all I say back. She turns around and goes off to our group. I go back to the tree I was at and then slide down on it, hands on my head. "You have a nice voice, did you know that?" I turn to my left and see Ben. I just realized what he was taking about. He heard me sing, crap. "Did you follow me? How do you know?" I ask getting up and facing him. "Guess your not the only one that can climb trees." He responds. I sigh and turn away. 'He's cute' I think and then immediately push it aside. "Hey! So your in the strong group? Yeah well I'm in the BEST group." Says Jennifer as she steps in front of me. I sigh and then just turn around and walk towards Emily and Jessica. "So, what time do we exactly start this 'tournament'" I ask folding my arms. "Well exactly when the sun hits the horizon. If you look close enough, you can see it." Says Jessica pointing right below the sun. I nod. It's hard to see but I could manage to. I just stand in the middle of everybody when I just decide to turn away and go back inside. As I turn away, I bump into a rock hard chest making me almost fall straight to the floor. And then I feel a warm, strong grip on my hand. I push my bangs to my side and look up, (I had to look up, he's like way taller than me) it's Ben. "T-thanks." I say quickly looking down and walking inside. I go inside and slowly close the door behind me. I walk upstairs to my room and lean on the wall. Doing the same thing like on the tree; hands on my head and sliding down the wall. 'I need to get away from him' I think. I stay there for a while until I hear some steps coming towards me. I get up and jump on my bed. I pretend that I'm sleeping. To make it look real, I took off my jacket and threw it at the edge of the bed. God it's cold, so I try to reach out to the window to close it but I can't risk it. The steps come closer. 'Who the heck is it?'  I can feel someone's presence behind me. Body heat. Then something almost makes me jump when I feel it. A warm hand on my shoulder. I immediately get goosebumps; especially since I only have on my tank top. The hand starts to rid my shoulder gently and then it's gone. I hear more footsteps, except that their, leaving. I sit up and touch my shoulder. 'What the fuck? Who just did that?' Chills come up my spine. The hand was warm and felt like a cloud on me, just like Ben's when he grabbed my hand when I fell.... I feel like I had just been shot in the chest! I jump up and run to the front door. 'Wait! Hope you got to be smarter than this? You can't confront him.' I think. So I decide just to go back to my bed and really fall asleep. Although I couldn't stay calm. 'Why would he touch me like that? Did he know I was pretending to sleep or not? Why Ben?' My mind was racing with questions. I'm about to close my eyes when I hear a voice coming from downstairs. "HOPE? COME ON ITS TIME FOR THE GAME!" My eyes shoot open as I get up off the bed and take my jacket downstairs, running.

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