I Lost A Friend

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I wake up with a start. I feel my bones tighten and see all my veins showing. 'Don't fight it Hope. It's for your good. You'll need to get stronger Hope'. I couldn't keep still. I kicked my legs and almost started to scream. After about an hour, it was over. I look at myself I the mirror and I'm exactly the same. I think that if I'm stronger I might as well go practice fighting. So I walk towards the river and set up small bags filled with sand and aim at them with my bow. I hit all of them. Then I put more bags and with my small blades (That I bought from a blacksmith) I throw them. When I'm done and collect my blades and stuff them in my pocket on my left thigh, a voice says "Wow. You can really fight." It was a boy. "Listen. You don't know me and if your up to no good, then why don't you go ask people around here what I did to a robber and two other boys yesterday." I tell him. He steps back,"I guess I will be leaving now." He says. So he turns and leaves. Cassie comes running towards me screaming. As I look behind her people are chasing her. It was the boys from the bar. They came armed with bows. And the tallest one (The one that I beat the shit out of him) shoots an arrow and it goes straight through Cassie's heart. She falls to the ground shaking. I'm screaming and I pull out my bow and arrows. I shoot at the boys and I realize that the arrows are on fire. It burns them and they die right where they were standing. I look away and go to Cassie. "Don't leave me Cassie. Don't go." I plead. "It's okay Hope. You have to move on. I have to go with my sister now." She barely managed to say. Tears fall down my cheeks. And then Cassie's gone. I bury her next to the river and put flowers around her. I get what I had left and left. I walked through the village people  who were talking and starring. Then a woman screams,"Get the police. Quick. She killed two boys!" Police come immediately and say to stop. I don't. "STOP!" Yelled the officer. I turn around, not mad but sad about Cassie. I pull my bow quick and shoot and arrow at them. When the arrow hits, they freeze and turn into ice. My bow turns the arrow into what I'm feeling. Fire for mad. Ice for sad. And probably explosions for rage. I don't know what else. I turn around and pull up my bandanna. I walk for a week and think that I will just hang out in the forest until I'm ready to move on. No more friends. No more girls. I will not have another death in my hands because of what I am, I'm a killer! I think this through and finally agree that I'm a killer. I think that I will live my life as a killer the rest of my life. 'Hope, you have to be in the rebellious group who know who you are' said the voice. "What group? I don't know who or what I am!" I yell. 'You must have faith and move on. Don't let other people pull you down. Do your own thing' the voice says. And now I know what to do. I have to do my own thing.

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