Taking Over

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Me and Ben were very nervous going up towards James. Especially since James was way bigger than us and had bigger muscles than Ben. As we walked up there, Ben gripped my hand. He kept holding on to tight that I soon said, "Ben can you please loosen up your grip?" Ben looked embarrassed and let go of my hand. As we soon got up there, James took a swing at Ben. I gasped, I thought for sure that James would punch Ben. But as I got a closer look, Ben stopped James fist and Ben punched back, getting James in the face. I gasped again and so did everybody else. James stubbled back towards me. He bumped into me and turned around. James tried to punch me next, but I quickly ducked down and went towards the left. "Come here Hope!" James said. 'Wow, James really scares me now' I thought. I backed away as Ben stepped up and was ready to punch. James laughed and charged towards Ben. My eyes widened as James tackled Ben and they both fell to the ground. I ran over to them and trued to pull James off Ben. This was more serious than I thought. James began to choke Ben! "James stop! Get off him!" I yelled to as I tried to pull James off Ben. To my surprise, James just pushed me with his right hand and I feel down. I looked up and saw that everybody was trying to get James off Ben. "Nobody hurts me!" James yelled. Ben was slowly fighting back now, he was gonna pass out. "BEN!!" I yelled running towards James. I took out my dagger and stabbed James his shoulder. James screamed in pain. I took it out my dagger and saw the blood go down his back. "You bitch!" James yelled as he got up from Ben and walked over to me. I was about to call for help when James cut me off by picking up by my neck. I couldn't feel the floor anymore and my neck hurt so bad. James was choking me. "What a shame I have to this to such a pretty girl. Ben doesn't even deserve you." James stated. Right after he said that, something hits James head and he immediately falls. I drop to my knees and try to catch my breath. I soon feel some arms wrap around me. I look up and see Ben, he has a red neck now. I guess I have one too. "Ben? Are you okay?" I ask. Ben just hugged me tight and stroked my hair. "I'm okay. Its okay." Ben answered. I hugged him closer. I could hear James yelling in the background, but I didn't care. All I wanted was to feel Ben's body with me. But soon, Ben backed away and asked me, "How about you? Are your okay? Hope... Your neck!" When he said that, his hands immediately went to my neck. I could see the anger on his face as he touched the red all over my neck. It hurt really bad and touching made it worse. "I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch!" Yelled Ben. Before he could walk away and kill James, I grabbed his arm. "Don't Ben... Ben... Don't" I tried saying but my neck hurt so bad that I could barely talk. "Hope I'm not gonna let him do this to you and get away with it! Let go." Ben said trying to free himself from my grip. "Ben don't leave me... Ben... Please." I tried saying again. "Hope..." Ben started but never finished. I don't know why I did it, but I let Ben go. But he just stood there. I looked up and saw him looking down at me. Ben crouched again and he began stroking my hair. "Hope, I love you but I can't see you get hurt. I can't." Ben said. I was about to say that it's okay when he leaned in and kissed me. Ben said his hands under my thighs and back and he picked me up, while we were still kissing. I finally pulled back and looked into his eyes. "Will you at least let me best the shit out of him?" Ben asked looking at James on the ground. I looked at him and nodded. He at least deserved to get beat. Ben slowly put me down on the grass and walked over to James and everybody else. The first thing I saw was Ben pinch James and him doing it again. I don't know what is happening to me, I'm starting to get dizzy and sleepy. I try to stand but fail and fall down. I look at Ben who is running to me. "Hope? Hope what's wrong?" Ben asks trying to help me up, but I fall again.  I can see James laughing even though he's all bloody. "What are you laughing at?!" Ben yelled at James. James finally stopped laughing. "Oh Hope. Your time is up. That drink I gave you had poison in it. Your gonna die. DIE!!!!" James yelled and started laughing again. Ben's  eyes struck with fear. "Hope? Your gonna be okay. Your gonna be okay." Ben was trying to act calm but you could tell that he's freaking out. My eyes felt so heavy and I couldn't say anything to Ben. "Don't close your eyes Hope. Don't close them. Your gonna live. Your okay." Ben said. The last thing I saw was Ben's eyes filled with tears.

I thought I was dead. I'm wearing all my exact same clothes, but they're all white. I'm laying in a bed that's in the middle of a room. As I look around, I notice that everything is white. 'Where the heck am I?' I thought as I try to get off the bed. My feet touch the floor and its so cold. I look down at my feet, I don't have on my boots. I walk toward this figure in the distance. But before I can even reach it, I remember what happened before this. I remember James saying that he put poison in my cup and sating I was gonna die. 'I'm so stupid! How didn't I notice that there was poison inside the cup!' I thought. My head began to spin and everything looked like that too. I collapsed on the cold floor and held my head. 'Am i really dead?' I thought. I got back up but something held me down. I looked up and saw the figure I saw farther ahead. It had no face and was also wearing all white. I gasped and fell back. It came closer and picked me up. When I got back up, I ran back toward the bed. It followed me. I ran everywhere until I was out of breath, but it was still there. I finally stopped running and faced it. And when I did, it grabbed my neck and lifted me so my feet weren't touching the floor. The face was beginning to get more clear. It was James. "Did you think you would escape me Hope? You can't out run death!" James yelled and he snapped my neck.

I sit up, sweating. Familiar faces crowd all around me. I gasp and my eyes dart around the room. "Hope?! Oh god Hope. Are you okay?" I look around and see that face that I was always with, Ben. I jump onto him and hug him really tight. "Hope, we all thought you weren't gonna make it. Every minute your breathes became more shallow." Jessica said. I still didn't let go of Ben until he pulled back. I looked at everybody and looked down at my body. 'Okay good I'm NOT naked.' I thought. But I didn't have my boots on like in the dream. I decide to push that away. I jumped in Ben's arms again and he pulled me closer. "I love you so much Ben. So much." I said and he picked me up bridal style. "Well let's go get you cleaned up. We have to go take to see James. He's tied up." Ben said as we walked out of the room. When Ben left me with Jessica and Emily to get dressed, Ben said, "When your done, meet the rest of us downstairs. We're taking over this place." I just nodded and let Ben close the door. "Hope, are you really okay? You were kinda moaning while you were out cold." Jessica said. "Yeah its just that, I was dreaming that James snapped my neck." I responded. Emily and Jessica both gasped. "Its okay, my throat still really hurts and I don't know if I'm even gonna die." I said looking down. Then they both hugged me. I stepped back a bit and said, "Alright, can I get changed now?" Emily nodded and went to a closet. She brought back a white tank top, black jeans, my leather jacket, and my boots. "Now get out of that clothes that James brought, and get into these." Emily said handing me the clothes. I took them and went over to the bathroom to change. When I was gonna take off my leather jacket, I felt my hair on my shoulders. 'I have to make my ponytail again.' I thought. I quickly got changed and did my ponytail and moved my bangs out of the way. I got out of the bathroom and put on my boots. "Okay so we're taking over this place, cool." I said getting up.

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