A Little Trouble

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Emily had brought me to a basement that I didn't even know about. Once we got down the stairs, she left. I looked around the darkness and couldn't see anything, at least I couldn't. Some one else could. "So you cane back sweetheart? How nice of you." I heard a raspy voice say. I stepped towards the voice and saw the silhouette of a man. I soon stopped when I noticed it was James. He looked beaten up and he had blood running down his lip and forehead. "Oh! Did I startle you?" James said looking at me with those cold eyes of his. I was about to respond, when a flashing light blinded me. My eyes adjusted to the light and I saw Ben, Mike, and Dante come down the stairs. I looked at Ben for answers about this but didn't get anything. Instead Mike answers me. "Well after we got you to safety, the rest of us beat the shit out of James here and we tied him up. We brought him down here and we were all waiting until you woke up. Actually, today is the third day since you passed out." Mike explained. I didn't know what to say or how to react so I just stared at him. They shared back waiting for a reaction but all I though was of the one person that was out of the picture. "Where is David?!" I yelled at James who was coughing up some blood. James started to laugh hysterically. "Well sweetheart, you won't be seeing him anymore. He's already met the dead." James responded. The thought of David being dead, shocked me. "No... No your lying! David isn't dead!" I yelled. He laughed again. My eyes watered with tears, they were about to burst. I guess the guys noticed this and decided to leave, not wanting to see me like this. Even Ben left. I quickly wiped away a single tear that managed to fall. I was done with James. I walked back to the stairs but stopped midway when I felt the cold, sharp tip of a knife on my throat. "You think your gonna get away? Let's see how much fun you are to play with." James said and pushed my back to I could walk up stairs. He was adding pressure to my neck if I didn't move. James lead me for the room where everybody was talking. I guess the first person to notice us was Emily as her eyes widened. Alex followed her eyes and then Jessica and so on. The last person to notice was Ben, who had his back to us. "Let go of her!" Ben yelled. James just smirked and took a step back. "Now let's not get violent here. All I want is a deal." James said moving the bangs out of my eyes. I flinched at the touch. When nobody answered about making a deal, James cleared his throat. "I'm walking out of that door, with her. What you guys will keep is this house here. Are we clear?" James explained. My heart skipped a beat as he said 'with her'. Ben eyes flared with anger and everybody else's eyes with fear. I didn't want anybody getting hurt, and I couldn't forgive myself if James hurt anybody. So the next choice I was gonna make was one of the worst. "Listen guys, I'm gonna go with him. I won't let him hurt you, but you have to under-" I was cut off by Ben. "Hope you've got to be kidding. We are not gonna let this man hurt you. He could kill you for all we know!" Ben yelled. "Ben... Ben I don't t want you to get hurt. Please..." I tried pleading with him but before he could answer, James did the unexpected.

James slit my throat.

Blood immediately poured out of my neck and I feel to the ground trying to stop the blood. I could hear them scream and Emily and Jessica ere the first to come to me. They dived to me and trued helping me. But I knew it was useless. All I could see now, was red. Everything looked red and black was starting to take over. I was still gasping for air, but gave up since there was no use for it. I shut my eyes. I heard Emily's and Jessica frantic screaming as they told me not to close my eyes. And then I collapsed on the ground.

I know this chapter was very, very short compared to the other ones. But I have a hard time thinking of this, but now I know what I'm writing for the next chapters. Thank you all for reading and again note hugs!! ∩( ・ω・)∩

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