Sneaking Into The Castle

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I manage to fall asleep in the clock tower. When I wake up, I'm covered in dried blood. I lift up my tank top and see that all I have is a scar about an inch. I get up sore, but good for running. I gently get off the roof and wonder if souls can die. I walk down an alleyway when a woman comes and says to me,"Black Assassin. I need you to do a job for me." She whispers it. I nod. "I need you to kill the king and queen. They took my baby claiming it was their baby." She whispered. "Wait but the king and queen? That's just a tough challenge lady." I say. "Oh please help me. They stole my baby. Please. I'll pay you good money. Please." She pleads. "Fine, but I got to say this is not an easy job." I tell her. She leaves. I climb the building and scope out the castle area. The castle is flooded with many guards. This is mission impossible. I plan out how I'm gonna get in and go for it. I stay on the roof tops and assassinate any archers on watch. I soon reach the walls of the castle. 5 guards. Great. How the heck am I gonna do this? I touch my stomach, it still hurts from the stab. I climb down pulling up my hoodie and bandanna. I have four blades in each hand. I walk directly toward them and then go pass them. "Excuse me lady, this is restricted property. Turn around and walk away." Said a guard. Of course I kept walking. I can hear them all walk toward me. I turn a corner and turn around, blades ready. "Turn back and leave." Said the other guard. I just stare. "Wait... I know you! Surrender now Black Assassin!" Yelled the guard. I threw one of the blades at the closest guard. Then threw one at all of them in the neck. "My name is Hope." I say and walk over their bodies. I enter the big doors and quickly go behind a pillar cause two guards come. "So...." Said one of them. I quickly went the other way and started to run up stairs (I know an assassin wouldn't use the stairs when they're gonna kill but...). The entire castle had 5 stories. I was barely on the second when this random kid comes out of nowhere and screams at me. "Shhhh. Here, take this." I say taking out a small piece of candy. The kid takes it, looks at me and then puts it in his mouth. He walks away, skipping. I continue to go up stairs when there are two doors. Left or right. I decide to go right, bad idea. That is the place where the guards hang out. Six spotted me and I ran out. The chase was on, again. Instead of stairs now, I used the chandeliers. Fudge, it was so hard to stay on. "Get down there and there will be no consequences." Said the mustache guard. "I don't think so." I respond and jump onto the third story. I go to the room in the left and go through a room where two people are... Doing stuff. I look away and run back. I go to the right and see more stairs. Jesus how many stairs does a king and queen need. I go up and find myself on the fifth floor. Wait I thought this was the fourth. Oh right. The basement is the first floor so I'm on the fifth floor supposably. I see one main door that I'm pretty sure is the "Royal" room. I push the door open to find the king and queen holding the baby of the woman outside. "Who are you? Guards arrest this wom- little girl!" Yelled the king. "They're not coming. Give the baby back!" I yell. The woman just steps back and covers the baby. "GIVE HER BACK NOW!" I scream. I walk toward the the queen. "Who sent you? Was it Bertha? This baby is mine not hers!" The queen said. I am right up to the queens face when I feel a sharp blade against my hand. The king had a sword and swung it towards me. I take a cloth from their bed and wrap it around my hand. All I do to the king is kick him in the stomach, causing him to fall down. "I'm not playing. Give me the baby." I say. I reach for the baby when the queen puts a small knife in my stomach. When I touch it there, I'm not bleeding but there is a cut. I look up to find the queen shocked. I take the baby and push her. I jump out the window and hopefully think that there is a haystack down there. "THE BABY!!!" Yelled the queen. I land on something soft and surprisingly it's hay. The baby is fine and I look around. Horses. I get on one and get out of the castle. I ride the horse back to the woman who runs the bread store. She is there happy. I jump off the horse with the baby in hand. I give her the baby and sees my hand, that is bleeding (Not like my stomach). "Are you okay?" She asks. "I'm just fine. Don't worry abou-" I say and then pass out from the loss of blood.

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