Lexi's P.O.V of Conners phone call

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 I was walking to class with Jordan when my phone rang

Hello” I answered and then i heard his voice the one ive missed so much

“Lexi its Conner” he said

“Conner! where are you?”

“My parents made me move with them I tried running away but my dad caught be and start beating me until I blacked out I’m ok though I just started school again and borrowed a mates phone to ring you”

“OMG Conner I don’t know what I can do”

“There isn’t anything we can do until I’m 18 in 13 months then I will leave and they can’t do anything about it.

“Why can’t you run away back here you can stay with me?”

“I wish I could but dad said he will kill you and our baby if I do”

“Babies” I said worried

“What do you mean babies?” he asked shocked

“Conner we are having twin girls” There was a pause then I said

“Conner are you there?”

“Yes sorry. I am happy that we are having twin’s babe. I don’t know how I will get back but I will do my best. Lexi promise me that if I don’t come back you will forget about me as much as you can and move on be happy”

“Please don’t think like that Conner just come back please”

“Lexi please promise me”

“FINE I promise but you better come back to me ok” I said nearly in tears

“I will try”

“I got to go bye I love you” he said quickly and then the line went dead

“Lexi is everything ok?” Jordan asked me 

I just stood there like a statue    

Then I managed to get out a sentence.

“Please go to the office and tell them that I need to see Jade”   

I heard talking and someone trying to talk to me but I just stood there in tears

“Lexi its Jade, what happened?”

“Conner rang”

“Come with me” she said as she grabbed my arm and took me outside to get some fresh air.

“Lexi tell me what happened”

“Conner’s parents made him move with them and they beat him, he borrowed someone’s phone to ring me then all of a sudden he said he had to go and that he loved me then the line went dead, he said he will try and come back but if he’s not back within 6 months he made me promise to move on without him” I was crying so much now

“Shit, everything will be ok I promise ok Conner will come back if he can”

“I know I will be all right it’s just a shock that’s all”

“Yeah. Uhm lexi who was that guy that you sent to get me?”

“OH SHIT! I forgot about him, his name is Jordan he’s a new student I will introduce you at lunch”

“Thanks he’s hot”

“Trust you to think that” I laughed

“Well you know me I like to say if I think a guy is hot” she smirked

 I looked up to see Miss Swan walking towards us

“Lexi are you ok?” she asked me

“Yes Miss Swan I am ok now sorry about what happened before the father of my babies rang he said some things that was hard to hear and I got upset and sorry for getting Jade but she was the only one I needed”

“That’s fine I understand. You and Jade can have the day of school it looks like you really need it”

“Thank you so much for the understanding” I said

“Yes thank you” Jade said

“I will see you tomorrow girls” Miss Swan said as she walked off.

“Jay lets go get the twins and go shopping I feel like baby shopping”

“AWESOME LETS GO” she said really excited

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