Conner's back

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Authors Note:

Hey everyone thank you so much for reading this story it means allot. If anyone has any ideas for the story please comment.  To everyone that comments, votes, or fans I will do the same for you.  I know that the chapters a small right now but hopefully they won’t always will be I will try and put more detail in my chapter.

In those 4 weeks allot happened here’s the short version

·         I told my parents about the baby they weren’t to happy about it but they did say that they will help me and support me.

·         My parents were very upset about Conner leaving.

·         I got really excited about my baby.

·         I wore colthes  that showed that was pregnant because I didn’t want to hide it

·         Jades dad died. That was really sad.  Jade didn’t have much emotion about it because she didn’t like him her dad lefted her and her mother when she was 4 and only seen him 5 times after that.

·         My morning sickness has stopped yay.

·         I had an ultrasound Jade and I saw my baby that was so magical I cried when I saw my baby I was so happy and proud.  Jade was like “AWWW  CUTE”

So yeah that’s what happened allot ae?

As my alarm goes off I wake up and turn it off and start my routine for the day.  Once I was ready for school it was BREAKFAST TIME yay I love breakfast. I walk down stairs and see my mum sitting at the table.

“I hate getting up” I moaned to my mum when I went to sit with her at the table to have my yummy breakfast.

“Get used to it sweetheart bubs will be here in 6 months and you will have hardly any sleep but I will help you if I think that you really need it ok Hun” My mum said with a smile on her face.

“Thanks mum. I really can’t wait to see my baby I’m getting really excited”

“I know you have the pregnancy glow.  How about on Saturday we go shopping and get all the important equipment for   what you and your baby needs you can bring Jade along too”

“Ok awesome mum thank you so much I really am thankful that you support me and am willing to help me even though I have disappointed you greatly I’m sorry for that mum”

“It's ok sweetheart I know you never meant to get into this situation but you’re doing everything right for this baby you’re going to be a wonderful mother”

I was about to say something to my mum but I then I heard


“Jades here mum I have to go to school love you, see you later, have a great day” I said as I kissed and hugged my mum.

“You 2” I heard mum yell as I was walking out the door.

I jumped in the car and put my seatbelt on.

“Hey chicky how are you today how is your wonderful baby”

“Hey Jay I am wonderful and so is bub.  Mum said you can come baby shopping with us Saturday you want to”


“Yeah same here.  We won’t get allot of clothes though since we don’t know what the sex is we will get some plain white stuff etc you know”

“Awesome when do you find out the sex?”

“When I’m 20 weeks”

“Cool I’m so there”

“Thanks Jay for being there and helping me”

“No problem that’s what’s best friends are for and I know you would do the same for me”

“Of course”

We sat in silences for the next few minutes. When we got to school I heard jay say

“It's that Conner right there? Hes walking towards us”

“SHIT! It is him” I said shaky

“Hey Lexi can I please come over after school so we can talk about things?

“If you feel the need too”

“I do we need to talk i will see you at four”

He walked away and I went to class

School was so boring but I know I need to keep my grades up because they might slip a little when my baby is born. I had English today that was interesting,  GYM was boring  we had to climb a rope to reach the bell at the top and since I’m pregnant I can’t do it so most activities in gym I can’t participate in and have to watch from the sidelines  which saddens me because I love gym. I get allot of weird looks from the students because I’m pregnant but I choose to ignore it because I’m happy with my baby and myself. Ah I’m walking home dreading it because Conner will be there, I am so angry with him for leaving and not telling me yeah I know that he just got the big news and he’s freaked but so was I when I found out , he hasn’t got enough excuses to get away with it no matter what he says unless somebody died hope not.

As I got home Conner was sitting in his car waiting for me.  He opened the car door and stepped out.

Authors Note:

Hey everyone, how was that? Did you like it? What do you think will happen now?

Will Conner be a responsible parent or will he take off and not come back?

Thanks everyone for reading.

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