Conner and Lexi

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This is my first story. Please excuse all the spelling and punctuation mistakes because I am very bad at it but I will try my best to get everything right. Please comment and vote on my story so I know that you like it and want me to keep going.

Ok everyone here is my story.

As I awoke, screaming, sweat dripping from my skin as the re-occurring nightmare flashed before my eyes.  Reminding me once again of what I was going through, something I never thought would happen to me at the tender age of sixteen

I sighed,dressed, grabbed my bag and jumped in my best friend’s car ready to go to school . I ride with Jade because my car is too good to take to school and i dont't want to ruin it.  I sat there silently thinking about my secret that I’ve got to share because I can’t deal with it alone. As I was about to speak my best friend Jade said

 “Lexi please tell me what’s wrong you been distant for the past week I know something is wrong, remember we have been best friends since birth”

I pause for a moment and sighed  then i spoke

“Ok Jay I will tell you because you’re my best friend and because I need your help, please promise you will keep this a secret?

(Jay is just a nickname for Jade that Lexi says)

“OMG LEXI! This must be serious, what is it? I won’t tell you know i wont”

I replied with a slight sigh

 “I’m pregnant”

“You’re what now?”


“Yeah that’s what I thought you said OMG LEXI this is so cool”

I looked at her with a shocked face and said

“I’m still in shock I don’t know what to think I haven’t even told Conner yet”

“How do you think Conner will react?”

My eyes start to water

 “I really don’t know but I don’t think it will be Happy Happy Joy Joy"

As I get out of the car I spot the love of my life Conner walking over to me

Let me tell you a little bit about Conner and I.

Conner and i meet when we were 12 at school we were in the same class as he came in late, my teacher Miss Jacobs told Conner to grab the empty seat down the back which was of course next to me.

Conner sat down next to me and focuses on the whiteboard.

I couldn’t stop steering at him he was so hot he had blue eyes, spikey blackish hair, and omg the perfect body.

As the next few weeks go by I couldn’t get the nerve to talk to him when suddenly he leaned over to my desk and said

“Hey Lexi I know I’ve never talked to you I’ve only just got the nerve to say hello”

“Hey Conner wow yeah I’ve been trying to get the nerve to talk to you too”

“That cool so Lexi would you like to uhm come and watch me play hockey after school today?”

“I would love to but then after you’ve played you have to come watch me play hockey deal?”

“WOW Lexi I didn’t know you played hockey this is awesome its a deal"

From then on we became good friends then a year later we started dating.

I snapped back to the present as Jade turned up the volume of the radio, her favourite song came on by Eminem.  I shook my head as I saw Conner heading towards us.

“Go, I’ll catch up,” Jade stated.

“Thanks,” I replied, opening the door and slowly walking towards him

“Hey babe” Conner said as he kissed me on the check then my forehead

“Hey Conner can you come over to my house after school today please? There’s some news I’ve got to tell you”

Conner and LexiWhere stories live. Discover now