The baby is???

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So it’s

So it’s been a month and a bit since Jades accident she still won’t talk about what happen but I’m not pushing it she will tell me when she’s ready. Jade and the twins have settled in well at my house it took a few weeks but we got there. My mum loves having the twins around she says “6 months is the best age”. I don’t understand how but it’s my mother half the time I don’t get what she’s says hahaha .Conner and I are going strong he’s been there for me whenever I need it. The baby and I a great too AND today Conner and I are finding out the sex of the baby today we both a hoping for a girl but a boy will be just as great. Today is going to be great Conner is meeting Jade, my mum and the twins and I at the clinic.

“Lexi! Hurry up we are going to be late for your appointment” Jade said as she came into my room as I was doing my hair.

“I’m coming just doing my hair are the twins and mum in the car?”

“Yes they are all ready and set to go now let’s go”

“Ok lets go Conner should be there by now can’t wait to see him it’s been ages since I’ve seen him”

“OMG LEXI it’s been 12 hours since you seen him that’s not ages”

“It is for me” I said as I poked my tongue out at her. Jade just rolls her eyes

20 minutes later we were at the clinic

“Conner’s not here yet” I said as unstrapped Baby Ella from her carseat and got her out of the car. She put her head against my shoulder and closed her eyes.

“I’m sure he won’t be too long we will give him five minutes before we have to go in. Jade can you please go in and check Lexi in” my mum ask her as she was getting the stroller out of the boot of the car.

“Sure thing Miss J” Jade said as she put Ethan into the stroller

“Jade you don’t have to call me Miss J you know that”

“I know but I like too it sounds cool be back in a minute” Jade replied

“Lexi you can put Ella in the Stroller now” mum said to me

“Na its ok at the moment mum she has just gone to sleep I will wait until I have to then I will put her into the stroller”

“Ok sweetie. Ella is quite attached to you the past few weeks you and Jade are the only ones that can settle her”

“Yeah I think it’s cute how she likes me so much. I’m the one that settles her mostly because Ethan really only settles for Jade so I deal with Ella and she deals with Ethan, I’m still going to help as much as I can when my baby gets here but I might not be able to do as much as I do now, I love it when she sleeps on me like this, I can’t wait for my baby to do this to me”

“It's so cute when they do that” mum said

“Come lets go in out of the wind Conner will see us when he get in”

“LEXI JAMES?” The nurse asked

“Conner’s not here mum” I said as I stood up

“We can’t wait come on sweetie lets go see what the sex of your baby is” mum said as we all walked into the room where I would be having my ultrasound

I laid on the bed and waited for the nurse to come back in

“Hi Lexi how are you feeling?” the nurse asked

“I’m good thanks”

“This will be a little bit cold” she said as she put the green jelly stuff on my tummy

“Would you like to know the sex?”

“Yes please”

“Congratulations look like they are both girls” the nurse said with excitement

“TWINS??”  My mum, Jade and I said at the same time

“Yes twins by the sounds of how you are reacting you didn’t know this”

“No we didn’t it didn’t come up in the last scan” I said

“I’m not sure why they didn’t come up but they are identical twins here have a look at the screen, here is baby A and here is baby B”

“OMG MUM IM HAVING TWIN GIRLS, I don’t know whether to be happy or scarred” I yelled

“Its ok sweetie lucky we haven’t been baby shopping yet we are going to have to get two of everything” mum relied as she got up and held my hand

“Lexi we are going to have two sets of twins in the house it’s going to be ciaos  but it’s all good we will all handle it” Jade said

“Would you like some photos dear?” the nurse said

“Yes please thank you”

10 minutes later we were all in the car on the way home

“I can’t believe I’m having twins” I said

“Either can I we don’t have twins in our family” mum said

“Conner does, speaking of Conner where the hell was he, he didn’t turn up”

“I’m not sure sweetheart you can ring him when we get home”

Authors note:

Hey everyone so two shocks in that chapter Lexi is having TWIN GIRLS and Conner didn’t turn up. So what do you think will happen next? Why did Conner not turn up to the appointment?  Anyway happy reading. VOTE AND COMMENT please. I would like at least 5 votes before I will upload again please. THANK YOU EVERYONE THAT READS MY STORY.XX

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