The talk with Conner And the Phone Call

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“Hey Lexi should we go inside? Its cold out here don’t want you getting sick” Conner said as he started walking toward the house and took the spear key from under the mat and opened the door for me.

As soon as I was comfortable on my bed I asked Conner a question.

“Conner where the hell have you been in the last four weeks? I tell you I’m pregnant with your baby and you ditch both of us good way to start your parenting duties” I said it an unhappy tone.

“I will tell you everything but promise you won’t say anything until I’m finished talking?”


“Thank you. I went to my Nana's because I had to talk to someone about you and our baby. I was about to do something terrible. When I found out I wanted to leave you and leave here forever so I didn’t have to deal with it, but I knew I couldn’t do that to you or the baby, so I went to my Nana's I knew that she can make me see sense  and she would help me  and she did. She made me realised that we are in this together and just because we are having a baby doesn’t me we both can’t live our dreams they will just be put on hold. I love you Lexi with all my heart, and I will do everything in my power to be a good boyfriend and father, I want to be there from now on, I will be there every scan, every doctor’s appointment and any time you need ill drop everything and some to help you if you need it. Please forgive me. 

Once Conner finished talking he started to cry I’ve never seen him cry before he must really want to me in mine and our baby’s life.

“Wow Conner I don’t know what to say, I’ve never seen you cry before, I’m hurt that you left but you came back to us and that what matters the most and what you said I truly believe so yes I forgive you and I’m glad that you still want to be with me and our baby’s life I didn’t want to have to do it without you”

As Conner was about to speak I quickly said

“Conner I’m going baby shopping on Saturday with mum and Jade your welcome to join to, but I understand that you don’t like shopping so you don’t have to come if you don’t want to.

“Of course I will come Lexi anything to do with my baby sorry I mean OUR baby I will be there  you don’t need to worry anymore babe I’m here always” Conner said in a excited tone.

“WOW babe you sound like you’re really excited about our baby”

“I am excited and I can’t wait to see our perfect baby”

“Me too, uhm Conner can you do me a favour?”

“Of course! Anything!  What is it?”

“Shut up and kiss me”

“My pleasure” he whispered in my ear as he was about to kiss my neck.

As things were about to get intimate.  My phone rang it was my mother. I quickly answered it because I knew something was wrong she never rings me when she’s working at the hospital.


“Sweetheart you need to get to the hospital now there’s been an accident please hurry ill meet to at the entrance in 30 minutes I have to go they need my help” she said as she hung up the phone.

I started panicking

“We have to go to the hospital now there’s been an accident I don’t know any more details” I said as I got up from out of the bed

“OH SHIT lets go I will drive. Please calm down a little it’s not good for the baby”

We got in the car and 25 minutes later we were at the hospital. I practically ran into the hospital and nearly ran into my mum.


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