''So, the police did catch you...?''

''No, well yeah, I guess, but they got nothing on me. They shot me in the middle of the road while I was having an asthma attack,'' I explained briefly. ''A freaking rookie shot me because my inhaler spooked him.''

''Are you okay?''

''Well, I'm not dead, but I'm not exactly peachy either.''

''Where are you calling from?''

I scoffed. ''I'm not with the police if that's what you're getting at, Colton. I'm at home.''

''What did you say to the police?''

''I didn't say shit, Colton. You know I'm loyal. I spent time in juvie for the gang when I didn't need too. I could have named you, Caleb and Elijah, but I didn't.'' I snapped, referring to time we had been dealing at a party and a damn undercover cop busted my ass. Though, said cop gave me the opportunity to rat out other dealers in hopes of them leading the police to the top supplier, but I stayed quiet.

''You know the gang and I are thankful for what you did for us, Hazel, but remember, if they haul you back in for questioning, you say nothing.''

''No shit, Sherlock.''

He sighed. ''We have your cut of what we collected tonight--''

''I want ten percent of each of the other cuts, Colton. I deserve it.'' I interrupted, preparing to launch into a rant if he denied.

Another sigh, but this one was longer and dragged out with a curse before he finally snapped. ''Fine, come by my place tomorrow.''

''I'm grounded.''

''If you want the money, you'll find a way.'' And with that, Colton hung up.

I closed the flip phone and secured it back underneath my desk before I got ready for bed which took me a lot longer to do with a messed up shoulder but I made do, and because I had the Oxycodone running through my system, I was out like a light in no time.


''And just where do you think you're going?'' Landon's voice met my ears and I could feel his tall, broad figure looming behind me. I closed my eyes for the briefest of moments and released my hand from the door handle before I turned around to face my foster dad, whom stared back at me expectantly.

''I'm taking Mimzy for a walk.'' And at hearing her name and the word walk, Mimzy, who was by my side began whining and wagging her tail in excitement.

''All right, you got half an hour.''

I wanted to toss out a smart-ass remark of how would I know when half an hour was up without my cellphone? But decided against doing so because his response would be I guess it's time to get a watch.

Ugh, dad jokes were the worst.

''Kay.'' I muttered, tightening my grip on the plastic handle of Mimzy's lime green extend-a-leash before I opened the front door and she bolted out, making her way down the front porch steps and along the short pathway that led out to the driveway with me trailing on behind her.

It was barely a minute into the walk and I was already wanting my iPhone so I could listen to music in replacement of listening to birds, rustling leafs, cars and the sound of my high tops slapping against the pavement.

Mimzy sat down beside the edge of the road like I had trained her too, and when I approached, she glanced up at me expectantly while I made sure the road was clear and then we crossed and entered the woodsy area that sat on the other side of the road. I stuck to the run down pathway that was used as a shortcut into town. It was a fifteen minute route in general, so I had Mimzy and myself break into a light jog in order to cut that time in half.

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