Chapter 20 Who did it?!

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Omg this is amazing! Chapter 20! I can't believe i made it this far! Thx for the reads and votes! Enjoy!                                                                                                                                  We're going to figure out who killed her. I said. Babe no it's to risky that's the police job. He said pulling me back. No! I'm going to stabbed them right in the head and let them feel the pain! I yelled. Babe no you'll go to jail of any one finds out. He said. They won't. I said. Now let me go. I said pulling away. I grabbed a knife and slid it in my pocket. Come on. I said. But-. Before he could say anything I pulled him out to the car. I drove to my house. Police were everywhere. Are you kids alright?! The police officer asked. Yeah were fine. I looked down at my pocket to see if the knife was hidden. It was. We haven't found out who did it. But we're pretty sure it's the person who killed someone not far from here. Who did they kill? I asked. Hana Jones. (It's not her last name I know but idc). I looked at Chandler. His eyes were watery. I pulled him into a hug. He rubbed my back. Well we don't know who did it,there realty smart though. The officer said. I nodded. Well we'll be back tomorrow,take care. The officer said. Bye. I said. Alright I think I know who it is.                   
Unknown POV.
I wiped the blood off my hands. They'll never know. I smirked. Now that I've killed someone she loves,she'll know the pain. I laughed. I sharpened my knife and put my gun in my holster. Soon she'll be gone. And if any other girl comes they'll be my next target. Hahaahah! I laughed crazily.                                                                                                                 Skylar's POV.                                                                                                                                             I got in the car and drove. Babe where are we going?! Chandler asked confused. You'll see. I said. I pulled into someone's drive away.(don't worry you'll find out who did it if u havent already). Why are we at this house? Chandler asked. Because I know they did it. I put my hand on my knife. Here use this. I said giving Chandler a knife. Wait no im not killing anyone today! He said trying to give it back. Keep it. Unless you want to die. I can't lose you,so just use it. He kept it. I opened the old door. Who lives here? Chandler whispered. I didn't answer I just put a finger up to my mouth signaling to be quiet. I turned on my flashlight. Well well look who we have here! A female's voice said. I held my knife out. Yes I killed your mom.
I thought you'd never figure it out! She laughed. We couldn't see her. Come out! Show yourself you coward! I yelled. Oh sweetie im not afraid of you or your little boyfriend. I'm the one you should be scared of. She laughed. She stepped out. She pointed a gun at us. Make any sudden moves and I'll shoot you. She said. It was Brianna. I knew it. B-Brianna?! How could you do this?! Chandler asked. Because I love you and I had to. She said. Plus this has to be done. Wh-.. I fell to the ground with a sharp pain in my chest. (Btw not her heart). NOOO!!! Was all I heard. I passed out.

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