Chapter 16 The Text Message

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He smiled. You look cute af. He said. I laughed. Thanks bae you look hot af. I said wiping the whip cream off my nose. Thanks. He said smiling. We grabbed our drinks and left. Where to know? He asked. Let's go to...rue 21. I said. We walked  inside. I looked at some dress prom was coming up this Friday. I picked  out a black short dress with a pink bow,pink heels,some accessories,and a small pink purse. We went up to pay for it. That'll be $134.00 dollars ma'am. The clerk said. Ok. I said grabbing my purse. Before  I could Chandler had already paid for it and had the bag holding it for me. Aww your such a sweetie. I said kissing him. Hah I try. He said smirking. We went to a store called ''CollectIbles and All''. We went inside. We went to the walking dead section. I got a figure of Carl,Maggie, and Beth. My fave characters. I got a Carl friend shirt and socks. Lol babe your gonna be wearing my face on your feet and bod. He said. Lol ya. He paid for it. Next we went to the movie theater. So what do ya wanna watch? I asked. about ''Daddy's Home''? He said. Omg yes bae!!! I said. We got tickets and some popcorn and soda. We walked into the movie. Soon I fell asleep on Chandler. I felt a judge on my arm. Babe wake up the movies over. He said. I woke up. I yawned. Okay. I said we walked out of the movie. We went to the car. It was 10:30. We got in the car. He leaned over and we kissed for about 10 seconds. Best night eva!! I yelled throwing my hands up. Yeah totally. He said laughing. I turned on the radio. The song. ''My house'' by Florida. Chandler and I sang to it. Soon we were at my house. Bye babe. I said leaning in for a kiss. After we finished he said best night eva. Lol yep babe. I said leaving. I walked inside. I went upstairs and got on my phone. I saw I had a text message.                                               Brianna: listen bitch Chandler loves me so I would suggest you to stay the fuck away bitch.                                                                                                                                  Skylar: bitch plz he loves me so I suggest you to shut the fuck up and mind your own business you WHO'RE!                                                                                                              Brianna: bitch he loves me  so be quiet.                                                                                            Skylar: listen who're stfu and get a life he's mine I'm done talking to your ugly ass. I blocked her number. I put down my phone and took a shower. Then I went to bed. The next morning was Wednesday. I heard my alarm go off. Ughh..I groaned. I got up and staggered downstairs. I make pancakes and eggs sweetie. Mom said. Thanks mom. I said. No prob. She said. After I finished I went upstairs. I brushed my teeth,fixed my hair,and put on some clothes.(picture above.) After I finished I grabbed my bag and left. By the time I was out the bus was already there. I sat in the back. We stopped at Scarlett's house. She didn't get on. I pulled out my phone to text her.                                                                     Skylar: r u coming 2 school? What's wrong???!                                                                                Scarlett: No. My mom wants me to stay at home and take care of her. She's in bad shape:/   skylar: Oh I'm sorry! Hope she's gets 2 feeling better! And I'll miss u! I'm gonna go! Bye!      Scarlett: thanks and okay I'll miss u 2!!!!!!!:(                                                                                     I got off my phone when we stopped at Chandler 's house. Hey boo! He said kissing my cheek. Hey bae! I said smiling. Soon we arrived at school. I wen  to my locker and got my stuff and headed for the gym. I sat down on the bleachers. I saw Brianna glaring at me. I shrugged my shoulders at her making her stop looking. She was cheering Chandler as he was playing basketball. I cheered louder. GO! GO! CHANDLER!!! I yelled. Soon the bell rung. Woah your loud! Chandler said walking beside me. Lol I know bae! I said. We went inside the classroom. I sat down in my seat Chandler sat right In front of me. Okay turn into your math book on page 234. Mrs.baker said. Do problems 1-20. She said. Ugh...I groaned. Soon school was over. We got on the bus. So...excited about prom? He asked. Of course bae! I said. Your asking me right??? I asked. Of course bae! He said. Okay just checking. I giggled. Soon the bus arrived at my house. Bye bae! I said kissing his lips. Bye! He said. I got off the bus and headed Inside. Hey mom can I go to Scarlett's house?! I asked. Sure sweetie! She said.

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