Chapter 4 Scarlett And I

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Today was Saturday. I slept till 9. I woke up and got on my phone. Skylar:Hey Chandler you up? Chandler:Yeah Morning babe;) Skylar: Morning I was wondering do you wanna go to the park with Scarlett,Grayson,And I? :) Chandler: Of course it sounds fun!!!:)<3. Skylar: Yay! I'll tell Scarlett!!!<3 Well I'm gonna get ready meet us at 10;00!! Chandler: Ok babe see you then!<3. I put down on my phone. I went to the bathroom got some clothes on and brushed my hair and teeth. Hey mom I'm going to the park! I said. Ok sweetie!, mom said. I went outside and walked to the park. When I arrived i saw Chandler,Grasyon and Scarlett. Hey guys! I said. Hey! They all said. I went up to Scarlett. Hey are you and Gray together? I asked smirking. No but he's cute. She said blushing. I laughed. You guys wanna play basketball? Chandler asked. Sure Scarlett And I are on teams. You and Gray are on teams. Alright. He replied. He started to dribble the ball he went for our goal I blocked him. He quickly got passed me and threw it to Grayson who was running towards are goal he threw it and missed. I grabbed the ball and headed for their goal I threw the ball and made a goal. Point! I said high fiving Scarlett. Yay! Scarlett said. You guys are good but we're better! Chandler said dribbling the ball I blockes him from our goal he quickly went passed me and Scarlett. He made a goal. Point! Graysol shouted. After a few minutes we were all tired. I grab my water bottle and drank half of it. Save some for me. Chandler said smirking. I gave him the bottle. He kissed m on the cheek. I smiled. Love you babe. He said. Love you too. I said. Before we left I told everyone to meet me at the carnival that was open tonight.Sure they all said. I walked back to the house. I got on my phone and looked on instagram I remember that Chandler took a photo of me while I slept in the movie. I laughed. Soon it was time to go to the carnival. Chandler said he would take all of us. He stopped at my house. I went outside I was wearing a shirt that said #love, mint green jeans rose time green earrings and grey vans. I hopped in the car. Hey babe Chandler said kissing my lips. Hey.I said. Soon we arrived at the carnival. I'm hungry. I said. What do you want? Chandler asked walking to the food stand. I got cotton candy,lemonade,and funnel cake. We sat down at the picnic table I shared my cotton candy an funnel cake with Chandler. After we finished we went to play some games. Chandler won a big fluffy stuffed cat for me.I clutched the stuffed cat as it began to get dark and cold. Soon the Ferris wheel opened. As we got on Chandler out his coat around me and his arm. I smiled. Tonight was the best night I've ever had. I said. Yeah. Chandler said. Scarlett And Grayson were in front of us and when they reached the too we saw them kiss. Aww. I said. When me and Chandler reached the too we kissed also.

Authors note: hey guys! Hope you like this chapter! It seems short but it took me a while! Anyways enjoy!

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